Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

Alliance Matrix

Radagast's Alliance

Army Bonus : Eagle models from the Misty Mountains army list gain a bonus of +1 Strength on a turn in which they charged.

Historical Allies

  • Misty Mountains

Convenient Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fangorn
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Lothlórien
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Wildmen of Drúadan


Army Bonus : Lórien, The Shire, even Gondor itself shall fall” – Friendly Angmar Orc models within 3" of a friendly Spirit Hero model gain the Terror special rule.

Convenient Allies

  • Desolator of the North
  • Moria

Impossible Allies

  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Goblin-town
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Dead of Dunharrow

Army Bonus : The King of the Dead gains the Harbinger of Evil special rule. Additionally, warbands from this army list that contain eight or more models, do not need a Hero to be the Captain of the warband. Instead, one of the Warrior models with in the warband takes on the role of the warband’s Captain for the purpose of deployment.

Historical Allies

  • Minas Tirith
  • Rangers

Convenient Allies

  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rivendell
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company

Army of Lake-town

Army Bonus : The Master of Lake-town’s Moneybags special rule has a range of 12" rather than 6"

Historical Allies

  • Thorin's Company

Convenient Allies

  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fangorn
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rivendell
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Wildmen of Drúadan
  • Kingdom of Moria

Army of Thrór

Army Bonus : Friendly Erebor Dwarf models count as being in range of a banner if Thrór is within 6".

Historical Allies

  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills

Convenient Allies

  • Fangorn
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rivendell
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • Wildmen of Drúadan


Army Bonus : Friendly Arnor models automatically pass Courage tests whilst within 6" of Arvedui, Last King of Arnor.

Convenient Allies

  • Fangorn
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rivendell

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan


Army Bonus : Sauron’s warband size is increased to 24. Additionally, aforce that consists solely of models fromthe Barad-dûr army list will never be considered Broken if Sauron has 3 or more Wounds remaining. Should Sauron have 2 or fewer Wounds remaining, the army will break as normal. Should Sauron be slain, the army will immediately count as being Broken.

Convenient Allies

  • Desolator of the North

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Goblin-town
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Moria
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Sharkey's Rogues

Army Bonus : Brigands de Sharcoux.bonus.description

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Goblin-town
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Moria
  • Serpent Horde
  • The Trolls
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Desolator of the North

Army Bonus : The Desolator of the North army list does not get a special rule – having a massive fire-breathing Dragon is a deadly enough bonus as it is!

Convenient Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Goblin-town
  • Moria
  • The Trolls

Impossible Allies

  • Azog's Legion
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Azog's Hunters

Army Bonus : The Azog’s Hunters army list may include 50% bows rather than 33%. Additionally, all models inthe Azog’s Hunters army list have their Shoot value improved by 1.

Historical Allies

  • Azog's Legion
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur

Convenient Allies

  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Moria
  • The Trolls

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)


Army Bonus : Communauté de l’Anneau.bonus.description

Historical Allies

  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rivendell

Convenient Allies

  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fangorn
  • Fiefdoms
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Minas Tirith
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Númenor
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company

Thorin's Company

Army Bonus : Models fromthis armylist may re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 whilst within 3" of Thorin Oakenshield.

Historical Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Misty Mountains

Convenient Allies

  • Fangorn
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Lothlórien
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rivendell
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Wildmen of Drúadan


Army Bonus : Hobbit models fromthis army list gain the Woodland Creature Special Rule.

Historical Allies

  • Rangers

Convenient Allies

  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rivendell
  • Rohan
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company

White Council

Army Bonus : A member of theWhite Council from this army list adds +1 to the dice roll when attempting to Resist magic, so long as there is anothermember of the White Council from this army list within6"

Historical Allies

  • Rivendell

Convenient Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Impossible Allies

  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Númenor

Corsairs of Umbar

Army Bonus : Corsair models gain the Backstabbers special rule.

Historical Allies

  • Serpent Horde

Convenient Allies

  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Moria
  • Variags of Khand

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Halls of Thranduil

Army Bonus : Mirkwood Rangers from this force do not count towards the army’s Bow Limit. Additionally, whilst they are within 3" of Thranduil, all Palace Guard Captains, Mirkwood Elf Captains, PalaceGuard, Mirkwood Cavalry and Mirkwood Elves will alsogain +1 to their To Wound rolls when making Strikes.

Historical Allies

  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Iron Hills
  • Survivors of Lake-town

Convenient Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Erebor Reclaimed

Army Bonus : All friendly Erebor Dwarf models from this army list gain the Du Bekâr! special rule.

Historical Allies

  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Survivors of Lake-town

Convenient Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Fangorn
  • Iron Hills
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rivendell
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Thorin's Company
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Erebor Reclaimed (LotR era)

Army Bonus : All friendly Erebor Dwarf models from this army list gain the Du Bekâr! special rule.

Convenient Allies

  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council

Far Harad

Army Bonus : Mahûd Warrior models that are within 6" of a friendly Mahûd Hero model that is Engaged in combat automatically pass all Courage tests they are required to make.

Historical Allies

  • Serpent Horde

Convenient Allies

  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Easterlings
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Moria
  • Variags of Khand

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)


Army Bonus : Ent models from this army list gainthe Fearless special rule. Additionally, Ent models are completely unaffected by any Magical Powers or special rules that would prevent them from moving or move them against their will (the only exception is that they will still take the hit from a Sorcerous Blast, but will suffer no further effects). Additionally, Ent models are completely unaffected by the Nature’s Wrath and Wrath of Bruinen Magical Powers.

Convenient Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan


Army Bonus : Special rules marked withan * affect all models from this army list, not just the ones listed.

Historical Allies

  • Minas Tirith
  • Rohan

Convenient Allies

  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Shire
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company


Army Bonus : Whilst within 6" of the army’s leader, friendly Rivendell models may re-roll failed To Hit rolls when making shooting attacks in a turn in which they did not move.

Historical Allies

  • Fellowship
  • Lothlórien
  • Númenor
  • White Council

Convenient Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fangorn
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Garrison of Dale

Army Bonus : Captains of Dale and Warriors of Dale have their Shoot value improved to 3+.

Historical Allies

  • Army of Thrór

Convenient Allies

  • Fangorn
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rivendell
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • Wildmen of Drúadan


Army Bonus : Each GoblinHero model may increase their maximumwarbandsize by six models.

Convenient Allies

  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Moria
  • The Trolls

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Wildmen of Drúadan

Army Bonus : Models from this army list gain the Mountain Dweller special rule. Additionally, enemy models donot gainany benefits from the Stalk Unseen special rule, or any such special rules that give similar benefits, against models from this army list. Additionally, warbands from this army list, that contain between 9 and 12 models, do not need a Hero to be the captain of the warband. Instead, one of the Warrior models within the warband takes on the role of the warband’scaptain for the purpose of deployment.

Historical Allies

  • Rohan

Convenient Allies

  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Shire
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company

Serpent Horde

Army Bonus : A Serpent Horde army mayhave 50% of its warriors armed with bows. Additionally, all Haradrim Warriors and Raiders may apply the Poisoned Weapons special rule to all of their weapons

Historical Allies

  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Far Harad
  • Mordor

Convenient Allies

  • Easterlings
  • Isengard
  • Moria
  • Variags of Khand

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)


Army Bonus : Friendly Isengard models do not start to take Courage tests for being Broken until at least 66% of the force’s models have been removed as casualties. Additionally, Lurtz, Uglúk, Mauhur, Vraskû, Uruk-hai Scout Captains and Uruk-hai Scouts gain the Woodland Creature special rule

Convenient Allies

  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Mordor
  • Moria
  • Serpent Horde
  • Variags of Khand

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Variags of Khand

Army Bonus : Khandish Horsemen and Khandish Charioteers do not count towards the force’s BowLimit.

Historical Allies

  • Easterlings

Convenient Allies

  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Moria
  • Serpent Horde

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)


Army Bonus : Friendly Dwarf models with either the Khazad dûm or Moria keyword may re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 when fighting in close combat.

Convenient Allies

  • Arnor
  • Fangorn
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rivendell
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Azog's Legion

Army Bonus : If either Azog or Bolg is the leader of your force then they gain the Master of Battle special rule.

Historical Allies

  • Azog's Hunters
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur

Convenient Allies

  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Goblin-town
  • Moria

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Desolator of the North
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)


Army Bonus : Friendly Lórien models gain the Resistant to Magic special rule

Historical Allies

  • Fellowship
  • Rivendell
  • Rohan

Convenient Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fangorn
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Minas Tirith

Army Bonus : Friendly Gondor models from this army list increase their Courage value by 1.

Historical Allies

  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fiefdoms
  • Rohan

Convenient Allies

  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Shire
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company

Misty Mountains

Army Bonus : Eagle models from this army list gain a bonus of +1 to their Strength on a turninwhich they charged.

Historical Allies

  • Fellowship
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Thorin's Company

Convenient Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fangorn
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Númenor
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Iron Hills

Army Bonus : In Scenarios where you roll for additional forces to arrive (such as those that use the Reinforcements rule), you may modify your own Reinforcements rolls for warbands from this army list by + 1 or -1. In Scenarios where you roll to see which part of the board your warbands deploy in, you may modify the dice roll by +1 or -1.
Additionally, Dáin Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills receives the Master of Battle 4+ special rule

Historical Allies

  • Army of Thrór
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Survivors of Lake-town

Convenient Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fangorn
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rivendell
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Wildmen of Drúadan


Army Bonus : Whilst you have more models on the board than your opponent, friendly Mordor Warrior models gain+1 Courage and may re-roll 1s To Wound when making Strikes.

Historical Allies

  • Easterlings
  • Serpent Horde

Convenient Allies

  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Moria
  • Variags of Khand

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)


Army Bonus : FriendlyMoria Goblin models involved in a Fight where their opponent is Trapped receive a bonus of +1 to their Fight value.

Convenient Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Goblin-town
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Serpent Horde
  • The Trolls
  • Variags of Khand

Impossible Allies

  • Barad-Dûr
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)


Army Bonus : Friendly Númenor models from this army list increase their Courage value by 1.

Historical Allies

  • Rivendell

Convenient Allies

  • Fangorn
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan


Army Bonus : Easterling models receive +1 Courage when their force is Broken. Additionally, once per game, in Scenarios in which a dice is rolled to see when the game ends, so long as there is at least one Easterling Hero model alive and on the battlefield, the Easterling player may choose to have the dice re-rolled if the Scenario ends before they wish it to.

Historical Allies

  • Mordor
  • Variags of Khand

Convenient Allies

  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Moria
  • Serpent Horde

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Dark Powers of Dol Guldur

Army Bonus : Wheneverthe Necromancer of Dol Guldur attempts to cast a Magical Power, by expending one or more Will points, he automatically adds an extra free Will point to the Casting test

Historical Allies

  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion

Convenient Allies

  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Moria
  • The Trolls

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)


Army Bonus : All models from this army list gain the Woodland Creature special rule, and the Rangers of the North and Dúnedain may benefit from the Stand Fast! of Arathorn, Halbaradand Aragorn – Strider. Additionally, the Rangers of the Northand the Dúnedain increase their Attacks value to 2, while they have the Infantry keyword.

Historical Allies

  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Shire

Convenient Allies

  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rivendell
  • Rohan
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Númenor
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company


Army Bonus : Friendly Rohan Cavalry models gain +1 Strength on a turninwhich they Charge.

Historical Allies

  • Fiefdoms
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

Convenient Allies

  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Misty Mountains
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Shire
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company

Kingdom of Moria

Army Bonus : Friendly Dwarf models with either the Khazad dûm or Moria keyword may re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 when fighting in close combat.

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Fangorn
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Lothlórien
  • Minas Tirith
  • Misty Mountains
  • Númenor
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rangers
  • Rivendell
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council
  • Wildmen of Drúadan
  • Erebor Reclaimed (LotR era)

Dark Denizens of Mirkwood

Army Bonus : So long as your army includes the Spider Queen, warbands composed entirely of Wargmodels do not need a Hero to lead themif they number six or more models; warbands composed entirely of Spidermodels do not need a Hero to lead themif they number two or more models; and warbands composed of a mixtureof models do not need a Hero to lead themif they numberten or more models. Instead, one Warrior withinthewarband takes on the role of the warband’s captainfor thepurpose of deployment.

Convenient Allies

  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Mordor
  • Moria
  • The Trolls

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Survivors of Lake-town

Army Bonus : Bard the Bowman’s Stand Fast! will affect other Laketown Hero models. Additionally, Bard the Bowman’s Saviour of Lake-town special rule has its range increased to 12" instead of 6".

Historical Allies

  • Erebor Reclaimed
  • Halls of Thranduil
  • Iron Hills

Convenient Allies

  • Fangorn
  • Lothlórien
  • Misty Mountains
  • Radagast's Alliance
  • Rivendell
  • Thorin's Company
  • White Council

Impossible Allies

  • Army of Lake-town
  • Army of Thrór
  • Arnor
  • Dead of Dunharrow
  • Fellowship
  • Fiefdoms
  • Garrison of Dale
  • Khazad-dûm
  • Minas Tirith
  • Númenor
  • Rangers
  • Rohan
  • Shire
  • Survivors of Lake-town
  • Wildmen of Drúadan

The Trolls

Army Bonus : Youmay include the Campfire in your army without having to pay the points for it. Additionally, the Three Trolls will treat the Campfire as a banner in addition to all other effects it would usually provide.

Convenient Allies

  • Azog's Hunters
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Goblin-town
  • Moria

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Wanderers in the Wild

Army Bonus : As the Wanderers in the Wild are not an army, and not evenreally a fighting force, there is no Army Bonus for them.

Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)

Army Bonus : As the Wanderers in the Wild are not an army, and not evenreally a fighting force, there is no Army Bonus for them.

Impossible Allies

  • Angmar
  • Azog's Hunters
  • Azog's Legion
  • Barad-Dûr
  • Corsairs of Umbar
  • Dark Denizens of Mirkwood
  • Dark Powers of Dol Guldur
  • Desolator of the North
  • Easterlings
  • Far Harad
  • Goblin-town
  • Isengard
  • Mordor
  • Moria
  • Serpent Horde
  • Sharkey's Rogues
  • The Trolls
  • Variags of Khand
  • Wanderers in the Wild (Evil)