Most countries feature MESBG Leagues (like the GBHL or the French FFTM Qualification League…), matching the more or less competitive expectations of MESBG players.
However, these circuits only rate the skill level of players over one calendar year, and do not reflect their overall skill level in the long term.
To compensate for this, there are many ways of ranking players according to an even larger number of criteria (the Elo rating system for chess, the FIFA ranking system for soccer...), and the FFTM has developed its own system, based on the Elo rating system, with the help of volunteers.
Please note: this rating system is intended to be a fun tool, and is not intended to have any other purpose than personal enjoyment!
The rating system is based on an exchange of points. After each game, the winning player takes points from the losing one. The number of points exchanged depends on the difference in points between the two players at the start of the game: more points are exchanged if the lower-ranked player wins the match. However, the number of points to be exchanged is capped and varies between 0 and 2.
To determine how many points a player wins or loses after a game, we start by calculating D, which represents the D, which represents the difference in points between them and their opponent before the start of the game. However, this difference is capped at 24 points. Why 24 points? Because we assume that in MESBG, a player always has at least a 20% chance of winning, regardless of their opponent's skill level. This percentage varies according to the match-up and the game scenario.
D = PcA - PcB
This D differential is used to calculate the probability of Player A winning against Player B. This gives us P, the result of the following formula :
P = 1 / (1 + 10(-D/40))
Last but not least, we have the K coefficient, which allows new players entering the rating system to quickly advance towards their actual level,K being high for a new player and low for a long-time one. Here's how K is defined K :
With all this, depending on the player's result, we can then calculate his new rating points, as follows :
At the launch of the rating system, the FFTM arbitrarily allocated 40 points to each player, and the system then quickly updated by applying the K coefficient.
The rating system was launched on December 1, 2023. It only tracks single-player tournaments listed on this website.