Scenario Summary
Destroy your opponent’s supplies whilst protecting your own.
The players choose their army, which must have the same number of points as that of the opponent, according to the rules on the previous pages.
Terrain and Scenery
Place three Objective Markers in each player’s deployment zone so that the objectives are equidistant along the edge of each player’s deployment zone, with one in the centre. The first is placed 12" from the centre of the player’s board edge. The others are then placed halfway between the central objective and the board edges on either side, so that all three objectives are equidistant along the edge of one player’s deployment zone.
Terrain and Scenery
Both players roll a D6 – the player with the highest result chooses one of the deployment zones. They then select a Warband in their Army to deploy wholly within 12" of their board edge. Models must be deployed within 6" of the Captain of their Warband.
When this has been done, the opposing player chooses one of their Warbands and deploys it wholly within 12" of their board edge, as described above. Players then alternate until all of their Warbands have been placed.
First Initiative
Roll 1D6, the player with the highest number goes first. In case of a tie, reroll the dice.
The game lasts until the end of a turn in which one Army has been reduced to a quarter (25%) of its starting number of models or below, at which point the player who has scored the most Victory Points wins the game. If both players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw.
Victory Points
You score 3 Victory Points for each enemy Supply Marker that has been destroyed.
You score 1 Victory Point for each enemy Supply Marker that has not been destroyed, but you have more models within 3" than your opponent. If you have destroyed more Supply Markers than your opponent, you score 1 Victory Point.
You score 1 Victory Point if the enemy General was wounded during the game. If the enemy General was removed as a casualty, you instead score 3 Victory Points.
You score 1 Victory Point if the enemy Army is Broken at the end of the game. If the enemy Army is Broken and your Army is not, you instead score 3 Victory Points.
You score 2 Victory Points if your opponent has no banners remaining at the end of the game (if they didn’t have a banner to start with, you automatically score this).
You score 1 Victory Point if you have at least one banner remaining at the end of the game. If you have more banners remaining than your opponent, then you instead score 2 Victory Points.
Règles spéciales
Supply Markers :
The Objective Markers represent a series of supplies that both sides are trying to destroy. To destroy an enemy Supply Marker, a model must be standing and in base contact with the marker during the End Phase of a turn having not Cast any Magical Powers, used a Missile Weapon, been Engaged in Combat, Supported a Combat, been rendered unable to Move any further that turn due to a special rule or result of a test (such as a Thrown Rider Test) or been under the effects of an enemy Magical Power that turn. Once a Supply Marker has been destroyed, remove it from play.