Scenario Summary
Ensure more of your models escape the battle�eld than your opponent.
The players choose their army, which must have the same number of points as that of the opponent, according to the rules on the previous pages.
Terrain and Scenery
Terrain and Scenery
At the battle’s start, the Armies are yet to arrive – models are not deployed at the start of the game. Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result chooses one of the long table edges to be their board edge – the opposing player has the opposite board edge as their board edge (see Special Rules later).
First Initiative
Roll 1D6, the player with the highest number goes first. In case of a tie, reroll the dice.
The game lasts until the end of a turn in which one Army has been reduced to a quarter (25%) of its starting number of models, or below, at which point the player that has scored the most Victory Points wins the game. If both players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw.
Models that have escaped the board count as being on the board for the purpose of determining if an Army is Broken or reduced to 25%.
Victory Points
You score 4 Victory Points if more of your models have escaped the battlefield via your opponent’s board edge than vice versa. If at least two of your models and twice as many models than your opponent have escaped the board, then you instead score 8 Victory Points. If at least three of your models, and three times as many models than your opponent have escaped the board, then you instead score 12 Victory Points.
You score 1 Victory Point for each of your Hero models that escapes the board, to a maximum of 3 Victory Points.
You score 1 Victory Point if the enemy General was wounded during the game. If the enemy General was removed as a casualty, you instead score 2 Victory Points.
You score 1 Victory Point if the enemy Army is Broken at the end of the game. If the enemy Army is Broken and your Army is not, you instead score 3 Victory Points
Règles spéciales
Reinforcements :
At the end of your Activation Phase, roll a D6 for each of your Warbands that are not on the battlefield and consult the chart below (the Warband’s Captain can use Might to improve the roll). Models enter the board via the rules for Reinforcements.
Roll for each Warband separately, Activate the models in the Warband, then roll for the next. Warbands yet to arrive count as being on the battlefield for determining if your Army is Broken. Warbands that have still not arrived by the start of turn 4 will automatically arrive on turn 4.
- 1-3 : The Warband does not arrive, but receives +1 to this dice roll next turn. This is cumulative, so will arrive on a 3+ on turn 2, a 2+ on turn 3, and automatically on turn 4.
- 4-6 : The controlling player chooses a point on their board edge at least 6" from a corner – the Warband arrives from this point via the rules for Reinforcements.