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Profile of Goldberry (Wanderers in the Wild)

140 pts

Independent Hero

Infantry, Hero, Spirit

  • Mv
  • 6
  • Wargear
  • A candle (counts as unarmed)
  • Special Rule(s)
  • River-daughter

    Goldberry automatically passes any Swim tests she has to make. Goldberry cannot be directly targeted by Abilities, Magical Powers or Shooting attacks. This means that Magical Powers, including friendly ones, that would affect Goldberry count as being automatically Resisted and any missiles that hit Goldberry will automatically disappear before they hit her. No models may move into Goldberry’s Control Zone, for any reason, unless her controlling player allows it. Models that are Hurled, Barged or forced towards Goldberry in any other way will stop 1\" away from her and she will suffer no effects. Goldberry may Charge enemy models as normal and her side will automatically win any Fight that she is involved in, however neither Goldberry nor any model in the same Fight may make Strikes of any kind. Goldberry and all friendly models within 6\" of her will automatically pass Courage tests. Goldberry may never carry objectives in Scenarios that require objectives to be picked up.

  • Hey! Come Merry Dol! [Goldberry]

    Goldberry must give up a point of Will at the end of eachturnin which she participated in a Fight during the Fight phase. Should Goldberry be reduced to 0 Will, or there are nootherfriendly models other than herself and TomBombadil, thenshe will simply wander back off to her homestead. Removethemodel as a casualty

  • Tom has his House to mind, and Goldberry is waiting

    Goldberry may not be included in your force unless it alsoincludes Tom Bombadil

  • Goldberry Alliances

    Goldberry is Convenient Allies with all Good army lists

  • Magical Power(s)
  • Refreshing Song (Duration :Instant)Range : 3’’Casting : 2+

    This power targets one friendly model withi n range. The target immediately recovers a single lost Wound, as well as a single lost Might, Will and Fate point spent earlier in the battle. The target also immediately recovers from the effects of any Magical Power they wish.


    The target's Strength is instead reduced by D3.