Organise your armies with different files. Quick visualisations of your army with: Name, Armies concerned, Type of Alliance, Number of figurines, Number of points.
Mes arméesWith the help of the ALN, you can build your army. To do this, simply follow several steps:
-Choose the type of army to create (Alliances or Legendary Legions)
-Select the factions/party? that will make up your army
To add warbands to your army, simply select your named or unnamed hero, and add him/her to your list (selecting his/her options if necessary).
Go To ALNAfter choosing your captains, you can directly select your warriors. If necessary, you can choose your base weapon and later change it with a choice of options. Finalise your army with everything at your disposal.
When you participate in tournaments, you will then be asked to send your army list. You can use this site to print your configured list. There are 2 possible formats: a simple TXT format and a format worked with FFTM.
Although some are fans of good old paper, this site offers for those who want it, the possibility of tracking your points of power and the will and destiny of your heroes. For beginners, you will also have quick access to the details of each figurine in your army, as well as monitoring of demoralization.
Another way to use your armies is to create a battle by giving it a name and selecting the scenario (which you can configure later if necessary). This will allow you to face another army, configured by an opponent, using the site or a guest whose army you have created.
Once the battle is ready, you can start it. This will allow you to have the details of the scenario if you had chosen one, your army list and that of the opponent. Finally, you will have a launch button to activate the start of the battle, but also enter the result of the battle.
Once the battle has started, the bonus of the site will be to give you all the information on the opposing army (warbands, follow the power points, willpower, destiny of the heroes), from general information to the details of each figurine.
In order to find inspiration or simply take ideas for beginners, when you create or modify an army, you have the possibility to share your lists. They will then appear in the list of public armies which you can then filter to find what you are looking for.
Public ArmiesFrom the site, you can manage your entire tournament. Validation of registrations, validation of lists, configuration of the tournament, you have control over absolutely all the elements to make your role easier. organizer. And above all, the site will allow you to manage any type of tournament: Solo, Double, Escalation, Team and even Ardacon Like!
Starting rounds has never been easier. In just a few clicks, players know which table to play on, and who they will face. In addition, confrontations can be generated automatically if you have chosen a Swiss round configuration. Then, all you have to do is select the scenario and publish the round!
Want to come and compete against other players? Search for a tournament and register via the site. You will be able to access the organizer's PayPal and directly send the list that your auras created with the modeler.
For players, this allows them to access their opponent's list, but also to enter the result at the end of the match. Time saved for the organizers and autonomy for the players!
In order to bring a little extra to the tournaments in which you participate, a trophy system has been implemented! There are more than 350 trophies that you can unlock!