Hero or Valour
Infantry, Hero, Troll, Monster
After forces are deployed, but before the first turn begins, place the Campfire anywhere on the board outside of your opponent’s deployment area. Bill, Tom and Bert gain the Resistant to Magic special rule and a bonus of +1 to their Courage value whilst they are within 6\" of the Campfire.
Should a model wish to Charge this model, it must first take a Courage test before it moves. If the test is passed, the model may Charge as normal. If the test is failed, the model does not Charge and may not move at all this turn.
If this model does not move at all during the Move phase, then in the Shoot phase it may make a shooting attack with the Strength and range specified in the model’s profile.
When Bill wins a Fight, he may choose to perform a Mince ’em Fine Brutal Power Attack instead of making Strikes. Choose one enemy model in the Fight - both Bill and the chosen model roll a D6 and add their respective Strength values. If Bill rolls higher, the victim suffers a number of Wounds equal to the difference - each of which may be prevented by a Fate point in the usual way. Regardless of who rolls higher, the victim Backs Away as normal.
If this Troll wins a Fight, they may choose one Man-sized (or smaller) model from the Fight and Keep ’em for Later instead of rolling for Strikes or using a Brutal Power Attack. Replace the model with a 25mm marker that represents the unfortunate victim stuffed in a bag. The model thereafter counts as being subject to the Paralyse Magical Power.