Hero of Fortitude
Infantry, Hero, Man, Rohan
Mv | Fv | S | D | A | W | C |
10 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Whilst mounted, an Expert Rider may re-roll the dice when making Jump, Swim and Thrown Rider tests.
While mounted, a model carrying both a shield and a bow will still receive the +1 Defence bonus for being armed with a shield. If the model dismounts, they will lose this bonus.
Additionally, an Expert Rider can pick up Light Objects without having to dismount.
All Warrior and Hero models from the same army list with this special rule will automatically Bodyguard the Hero from the same army list with the highest Heroic Tier. If there is more than one Hero with the highest Heroic Tier, the controlling player may choose. As long as the bodyguarded model is alive on the battlefield, this model passes all Courage tests.
Models that are part of an allied contingent must select a model from their own army list.
Whilst this model is mounted, they may choose to expend their own Fate points to prevent Wounds caused to their mount.
If Théoden is Engaged in a Fight within 12\" of Déorwine, then Déorwine may call a Heroic Combat without using Might. If the Heroic Combat is successful, then Déorwine must use the following move to join Théoden’s combat. If this is not possible then Déorwine must move as close as possible to Théoden.