Hero or Valour
Infantry, Hero, Spirit, Ringwraith, Dol Guldur
An enemy model within 12\" of this model suffers a -1 penalty to its Courage. Note, this is not cumulative with other similar penalties such as those provided by Goblin Drums, the Ancient Evil special rule, and so on.
Should a model wish to Charge this model, it must first take a Courage test before it moves. If the test is passed, the model may Charge as normal. If the test is failed, the model does not Charge and may not move at all this turn.
There can only be a maximum of nine Ringwraith models, of any combination (including Ringwraiths or any of the named Wraiths), in your force. Additionally, a Hero wearing the Ring is not invisible to these models as he is to others.
If a model with this special rule is slain, place a marker where it was removed from the board. In the next Priority phase, after Priority has been rolled, roll a D6. On a 3+, the model regains 1 Wound and may be placed anywhere within 6\" of the marker, so long as it is not placed in base contact with an enemy model. Any Might or Will points that were spent remain spent. Whilst the marker is in play, the Nazgûl counts as on the board for the purpose of working out whether your force is Broken or reduced to 25% - though they cannot hold objectives and will still count as slain for the purposes of any special rules that would require a model to be slain (such as a Heroic Combat). If the roll is a 1 or a 2, then the Nazgûl has been banished - remove the marker and the Nazgûl from play. Wounds caused by Magical Powers or Elven-made weapons inflict a -1 penalty to the Unholy Resurrection roll. If, when the game ends, a marker is in play and the corresponding Nazgûl is not on the board, that Nazgûl will count as having been slain for the purposes of victory conditions.
Khamûl the Easterling has 3 Attacks instead of 2.
When choosing which Nazgûl to field, pick one option from the list that follows. Each Nazgûl may only be taken once, unless otherwise stated.