Minor Hero
Infantry, Hero, Monster, Drake
If a model with this special rule charges into combat, it will gain the Knock to the Ground and Extra Attack bonuses (see page 62) as if it were Cavalry, with a couple of exceptions:
This model will Knock to the Ground any model that it Charges, including Cavalry or Monster models, with a lower Strength value than it, even if the charged model has a Strength of 6 or higher. The rider of a Cavalry model will automatically suffer the Knocked Flying result for its Thrown Rider test.
Additionally, this model will still get the Extra Attack bonus if it Charges, or is subsequently charged by, Cavalry or another model with this special rule.
If a model with this special rule is a Cavalry model, the mount will count as being In The Way of its rider, except that the rider will only be hit on a 5-6; a roll of 1-4 will hit the mount.
An Infantry model with this special rule may move through woods and forests that are classified as difficult terrain as if they are open ground. Note that this doesn’t mean they can automatically climb terrain in those areas, nor move through tree trunks or jump fallen Obstacles.
Mountain Dwellers may re-roll any Jump, Leap and Climb tests. In addition, they may move through rocky areas that are classified as difficult terrain as if they were open ground.
If this model is targeted by a Magical Power, it may use an additional ’free’ dice when it makes a Resist test, even if it has no Will remaining or decides not to use any Will points from its store.
Should a model wish to Charge this model, it must first take a Courage test before it moves. If the test is passed, the model may Charge as normal. If the test is failed, the model does not Charge and may not move at all this turn.
At the start of the game, before any models have been deployed, the Cave Drake’s controlling player may place a single 25mm Nest marker per Cave Drake (the eggs that come in the Cave Drake set are ideal for this) anywhere on the board. Whilst within 3\" of a Nest marker, a Cave Drake gains the Fearless special rule.
Instead of striking normally, the Cave Drake may select a single Man-sized (or smaller) model involved in the same fight to attempt to swallow whole. Roll a D6. On a 3+, the model is swallowed whole and is removed as a casualty.
Fate rolls may be made against this Brutal Power Attack as if it has caused a Wound, but ifa model fails to save this with Fate it will be slain.