Hero of Legend
Infantry, Hero, Monster, Spirit
This is a throwing weapon with a range of 8\" and a Strength of 7. Additionally, a model that is hit by this weapon and not slain is dragged directly towards and into base contact with the Balrog, even over intervening models or terrain. If the model cannot be placed where it should be placed, instead place it in base contact with the Balrog as close as possible to the position it should have been in. If, for whatever reason, the model cannot be placed anywhere in base contact, then it is not moved at all.
An enemy model within 18\" of this model suffers a -1 penalty to its Courage. Note, this is not cumulative with other similar penalties such as those provided by Goblin Drums, the Harbringer of Evil special rule, and so on.
If this model is targeted by a Magical Power, it may use an additional ’free’ dice when it makes a Resist test, even if it has no Will remaining or decides not to use any Will points from its store.
This model automatically passes any Courage test it is required to make.
Should a model wish to Charge this model, it must first take a Courage test before it moves. If the test is passed, the model may Charge as normal. If the test is failed, the model does not Charge and may not move at all this turn.
Friendly Moria Goblin models within 12\" of the Balrog automatically pass Courage tests.
The Balrog is never considered to be unarmed and any model that suffers a Wound from the Balrog’s Strikes (even if it is subsequently saved by Fate) and not slain must roll a D6. On a 6, the model suffers the Set Ablaze special rule. Additionally, the Balrog is immune to any fire-based attacks or special rules, such as a Dragon’s Breathe Fire or the Set Ablaze special rule.
The Balrog may call a Heroic Combat each turn without the need to expend a point of Might. Additionally, special rules and Strikes that would slay the Balrog instantly (such as Drain Soul or a Morgul blade) will only inflict half of the Balrog’s starting Wounds rather than all of them.