Hero of Fortitude
Infantry, Hero, Goblin, Moria
A model with this special rule adds 1 to all Jump, Leap and Climb tests. They also suffer no penalties for fighting in the dark.
Any model that wounds, or is wounded by Ashrâk in a Fight must roll a D6. On a 4+, they suffer the effects of the Paralyse Magical Power.
Ashrâk may include Giant Spiders in his warband as if they were part of the same army list - this does not count as allying. Additionally, any Giant Spiders in your force may be upgraded to Venom-back spiders at the cost of +2 points a model. Venom-back spiders gain the Venom special rule.
Only Spider models may benefit from Ashrâk’s Stand Fast! or Heroic Actions. Additionally, Ashrâk may only target Spider models with his Shroud of Shadows Magical Power.
Every model with this Magical Power will have a bracket after Fury denoting the models that will be affected by the power ( e.g., Fury (Goblin)). This power targets all friendly models within 6\" that are included in the bracket, so long as they stay in range of the caster. Note that if there is more than one keyword within the brackets, then a model must have all the keywords to benefit from Fury. Whiist this power is in effect, all targets will automatically pass any Courage tests they are required to take. In the case of Cavalry models, a degree of common sense is required when applying this effect. For example, if a Mordor Ore Shaman casts Fury (Mordor Ore) and a Warg Rider is within range of the Magical Power, only the Orc rider will feel the benefits as only the rider is a Mordor Orc.
The target's Strength is instead reduced by D3.
This power targets a friendly model in range. The target cannot be directly targeted by Magica l Powers or shooting attacks (and does not count as In The Way). Whilst invisible, the target ignores enemy Control Zones and may move th rough friendly and enemy models, providing they do not end their move overl apping any part of another model's base. They have no Control Zone while invisible and enemy models may even move 'th rough' them. An enemy model may not end its movement on the space the target is taking up. If an enemy wishes to Charge the target, it must pass a Courage test, applyi ng a penalty of -1 to the roll for every full 1" the target is away from the foe. Models that automatically pass Courage tests still need to take this test, as it represents them being able to see the target, not how terrifyi ng the target is. If a model fa ils this Courage test, it only means they are unabl e to locate the Invisible model, and they may continue the rest of their turn as normal; though they may not attempt to charge the Invisible model again that turn. An Invisible model may still declare Heroic Actions, however, they cannot call the likes of With Me!, Ta ke Aim' , or any other action that would allow allied models to join in the Heroic Acti on. If an Invisibl e model declares a Heroic Combat, other allied models may not move as part of a successful Heroic Combat. None of the above rules apply to Sauro n or Ringwraith models. Indeed, they actually gain some benefit, as described in their own special rul es or the Will of Evil special rule. This Magical Power has no effect on a War Beast.
The target's Strength is instead reduced by D3.