Hero or Valour
Infantry, Hero, Orc, Mordor
Mv | Fv | S | D | A | W | C |
10 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Whenever an enemy Hero attempts a Heroic Action within 6\" of a model with this special rule, this model may call the same Heroic Action without spending Might, even if they would not usually have access to it.
Sometimes a model with this special rule will have a number after the rule in brackets, e.g., Master of Battle (5+). In this situation, whenever an enemy Hero attempts a Heroic Action within 6\" of a model with this special rule, roll a D6. If the dice score equals or beats the number after the special rule, this model may call the same Heroic Action without spending Might - even if they would not normally be able to call the same Heroic Action.
Gothmog, and all friendly Mordor Orc models within 3\" of him, gain the Hatred (Man) special rule.
Once per game, at the start of any Fight phase, Gothmog can declare that he is using this ability. For the remainder of the turn, all friendly Mordor Orc models within 12\" of Gothmog may re-roll failed To Wound rolls when making Strikes.