Hero of Legend
Infantry, Hero, Dwarf, Iron Hills
Mv | Fv | S | D | A | W | C |
8 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 3 |
When fighting with a two-handed weapon, a model with this special rule does not suffer the -1 penalty to their Duel roll. Additionally, Burly models may carry a Heavy Object and move their full distance.
This model automatically passes any Courage test it is required to make.
Whilst Dáin Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills is alive on the battlefield, all Iron Hills Dwarf models within 12\" of Dáin automatically pass all Courage tests they are required to make.
As soon as Dáin Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills kills an enemy model, for the rest of the game, if Dáin is in range to Charge, he must do so if he is able to.
In a turn that Dáin Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills Charges into combat, he causes Terror until the end of the turn.
If Dáin Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills wins a Duel roll but fails to slay his opponent, select one enemy Man-sized (or smaller) model in the fight and roll a D6. On a 5+, Dáin will headbutt that model and it will be Knocked to the Ground.