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Profile of Iron Hills Chariot (Iron Hills)

175 pts

Warrior, Dwarf, Iron Hills

  • Mv
  • 8
  • Special Rule(s)
  • Chariot Charge [Iron Hills Chariot]

    The Iron Hills Chariot is an unusual model and moves in the following way:

    • At the start of the Move phase, the controlling player may pivot the Chariot up to 45º. When pivoting, the Chariot may touch models or terrain. In the case of models, move them out of the way by the shortest route possible. In the case of terrain, move the Chariot away just enough to complete its pivot.
    • The Chariot may then move up to 4\" in a straight line.
    • If it has moved a full 4\", it may pivot a further 45º.
    • The Chariot may then move up to a further 4\" in a straight line.
    • When the Chariot moves, it ignores enemy models’ Control Zones. Any models the Chariot comes into contact with whilst moving (not pivoting) will suffer three Strength 6 hits. If the model is slain then the Chariot may continue with its movement. Cavalry models suffer three hits on both the rider and the mount. If the rider survives but the mount is slain, the rider is thrown and, after testing on the Thrown Rider chart, is placed in base contact with the Chariot. Might may not be used to affect the result of these hits. A Chariot that is affected by a Heroic March may still inflict these hits as normal.
    • If the model the Chariot Charged survives, the Chariot will still gain the benefits of its Monstrous Charge special rule.
    • The Chariot may instead choose to forego its movement in order to pivot to face any direction. If a Chariot is moved by an enemy model, it may not pivot in this way

  • The Chariot in Combat [Iron Hills Chariot]

    The Chariot counts as one model in a fight. Any surviving crew member that is not driving the Chariot adds their Attacks to the Duel roll. Additionally, the Chariot will also use the highest Fight value of any Dwarf that is on the Chariot (including the driver).
    No model that is riding on an Iron Hills Chariot can declare a Heroic Combat. If beaten, any model wishing to Strike the crew must roll to see if they hit the crew or the Chariot. To do this, roll a D6 for each Strike. On a 4+, the Strike hits the crew member of the attacker’s choice – anything else hits the Chariot.
    If the Chariot loses the Fight, it does not Back Away. It also never counts as Trapped. If the Chariot is slain, then the crew inside are lost – remove the model as a casualty

  • Large War Machine [Iron Hills Chariot]

    On a turn in which the Iron Hills Chariot Charges, it gains the Extra Attack and Knock to the Ground bonuses as if it was a Cavalry model. The Iron Hills Chariot still gets these bonuses even if it charges a Cavalry model. When the Chariot is hit by a shooting attack, the shooter must take an In The Way test to determine if the Chariot orthe crew are hit. On a 1-4, the Chariot has been hit and on a 5-6, ithits the Dwarf closest to the shooter. The Chariot may not makeJump, Climb, Leap or Swim tests, and may not lie downor defend barriers. It may not enter difficult terrain other than shallow water features (including swamps, rivers, etc.), which it is completely unimpeded by. The Chariot cannot be Barged, Hurledor knocked Prone for any reason.

  • The Chariot and Magic [Iron Hills Chariot]

    Models with Magical Powerscan use them on the Chariot, selecting either the Chariot itself orone of the crew members as the target. Magical Powers that affectmultiple targets will automatically affect both the Chariot anditscrew, if in range of the model. Only by affecting the Driver will aMagical Power such as Transfix or Compel impede the Chariot’smovement (thereby causing it to remain stationary or takeamoveas described by the Magical Power). Finally, Magical Powers suchas Sorcerous Blast, Nature’s Wrath and Call Winds will not movethe Chariot or knock it Prone, although they will still inflict anydamage as detailed in the Magical Power’s description.

  • In the army with
  • 1x Conducteur – Nain des Monts de Fer

    Warrior, Dwarf, Iron Hills

    Mv Fv S D A W C
    5 4/+4 4 6 1 1 4

    3x Servant Chariot – Nain des Monts de Fer

    Warrior, Dwarf, Iron Hills

    Mv Fv S D A W C
    5 4/+4 4 6 1 1 4