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Profile of Wood Elf Sentinel (Rangers of Mirkwood)

25 pts

Infantry, Warrior, Elf, Lórien, Mirkwood

  • Mv
  • 6
  • Wargear
  • Elf Bow
  • Elven cloak

    A model wearing an Elven cloak has the Stalk Unseen special rule

  • Elven-made sword
  • Special Rule(s)
  • Woodland Creature

    An Infantry model with this special rule may move through woods and forests that are classified as difficult terrain as if they are open ground. Note that this doesn’t mean they can automatically climb terrain in those areas, nor move through tree trunks or jump fallen Obstacles.

  • Enchanting Song

    A Sentinel may sing one song each turn, provided they are not Engaged in combat. These function exactly like Magical Powers, except that they are automatically cast without spending Will, and cannot be resisted.

    • The Hymn of Elbereth - Range 12\"/30cm - This beautiful song raises the spirits of the targeted model. The target friendly model will automatically pass all Courage tests for the remainder of the turn.
    • Eldamar Madrigal - Range 12\" - The target enemy model must immediately take a Courage test. If the test is passed, nothing happens. If the test is failed, the target falls under the control of the opposing player who maythen move it up to its maximum Move, even if it has already moved that turn. This move cannot be used to enter an enemy’s Control Zone, dismount, lay down, perform an action that would cause harm to the target (such as jumping off a cliff, etc) or anything that would require the model to roll a D6 (such as a Jump test). Affected models may move no further that turn.
    • The Lay of Gondolin - This sombre verse recalls the mighty Elf city of Gondolin - a name fit to freeze the hearts of Evil beings. If the Sentinel sings this song, they cause Terror until the end of the turn.

  • Hatred (Spider)

    A model with this special rule adds 1 to their To Wound rolls when fighting in combat against the models with the keyword listed in the brackets in its profile. For example, a model that has the Hatred (Man) special rule will get +1 to their To Wound rolls against all models with the Man keyword. A model that has the Hatred (Mordor) special rule will get +1 to their To Wound rolls against all models with the Mordor keyword.