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Profile of Moria Goblin Drum (The Depths of Moria)

75 pts

Infantry, Warrior, Goblin, Moria

  • Mv
  • /+
  • Special Rule(s)
  • Destroying the Drum

    The Drum can be shot at and struck normally, and has a Defence of 10 and 3 Wounds. If it is reduced to 0 wounds, it is destroyed and cannot be played anymore. The Drum has no Control Zone and any enemy model that spends a full turn in base contact with the Drum, without doing anything else (such as shooting, using a Magical Power or fighting in combat), may immediately destroy the Drum as described above.

  • Take up the Drum

    If either of the Drummers are slain, they may pass on their wargear to any other unengaged Moria Goblin Warrior within 1\" - immediately replace the model with the slain Drummer. Models that take up the Drummer’s wargear will automatically drop any that they are carrying.

  • Drums in the Deep

    The effects of a Moria Goblin or Moria Blackshield Drum are increased from 18\" to battlefield wide. Additionally, so long as the Drum and at least one Drummer are alive, then the Drum will count as a banner for the purpose of Victory Points in Scenarios that award Victory Points for having a banner left alive.

  • In the army with
  • 2x Batteur Gobelin de la Moria

    Infantry, Warrior, Goblin, Moria

    Mv Fv S D A W C
    5 2/+5 3 4 1 1 2
  • Règle(s) Spéciale(s) du profil associé : Batteur Gobelin de la Moria
  • Cave Dweller

    A model with this special rule adds 1 to all Jump, Leap and Climb tests. They also suffer no penalties for fighting in the dark.

  • Destroying the Drum

    The Drum can be shot at and struck normally, and has a Defence of 10 and 3 Wounds. If it is reduced to 0 wounds, it is destroyed and cannot be played anymore. The Drum has no Control Zone and any enemy model that spends a full turn in base contact with the Drum, without doing anything else (such as shooting, using a Magical Power or fighting in combat), may immediately destroy the Drum as described above.

  • Take up the Drum

    If either of the Drummers are slain, they may pass on their wargear to any other unengaged Moria Goblin Warrior within 1\" - immediately replace the model with the slain Drummer. Models that take up the Drummer’s wargear will automatically drop any that they are carrying.

  • Drums in the Deep

    The effects of a Moria Goblin or Moria Blackshield Drum are increased from 18\" to battlefield wide. Additionally, so long as the Drum and at least one Drummer are alive, then the Drum will count as a banner for the purpose of Victory Points in Scenarios that award Victory Points for having a banner left alive.