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Profile of Catapult Troll (Azog's Legion)

180 pts

Infantry, Troll, Monster, Warrior, Gundabad, Siege Engine

  • Mv
  • 6
  • Wargear
  • Catapult

    A Catapult Troll always follows the rules for Volley Fire, giving it a range of 12\"-96\". Shots fired from the Catapult are resolved at Strength 10. When firing the Catapult, follow the rules for Siege Engines in the main rules manual with the following exceptions:

    The Catapult Troll may still fire in the same turn that it has moved in, even if this is up to its full Move value. However, if the Catapult Troll has moved, it will only hit on the roll of a 6. The Catapult may still be fired whilst the Troll is in combat. If you wish to do this, and a 1 is rolled when rolling To Hit, the Catapult will malfunction and the Catapult Troll will suffer a wound. A Catapult Troll does not have a crew in the same way as a conventional Siege Engine - however, it is classed as a large Siege Engine and the Troll itself is considered to be the Siege Veteran. However, unlike other Siege Veterans, the Troll has no points of Might, Will or Fate. Unlike other Siege Engines, the Catapult Troll cannot be destroyed if a model spends its entire turn in base contact with it.

  • Metal gauntlets

    Catapult Trolls never count as being unarmed. Furthermore, count their Strength as 10 when rolling for distance with a Hurl Brutal Power Attack.

  • Special Rule(s)
  • Catapult

    A Catapult Troll always follows the rules for Volley Fire, giving it a range of 12\"-96\". Shots fired from the Catapult are resolved at Strength 10. When firing the Catapult, follow the rules for Siege Engines in the main rules manual with the following exceptions:

    The Catapult Troll may still fire in the same turn that it has moved in, even if this is up to its full Move value. However, if the Catapult Troll has moved, it will only hit on the roll of a 6. The Catapult may still be fired whilst the Troll is in combat. If you wish to do this, and a 1 is rolled when rolling To Hit, the Catapult will malfunction and the Catapult Troll will suffer a wound. A Catapult Troll does not have a crew in the same way as a conventional Siege Engine - however, it is classed as a large Siege Engine and the Troll itself is considered to be the Siege Veteran. However, unlike other Siege Veterans, the Troll has no points of Might, Will or Fate. Unlike other Siege Engines, the Catapult Troll cannot be destroyed if a model spends its entire turn in base contact with it.

  • Terror

    Should a model wish to Charge this model, it must first take a Courage test before it moves. If the test is passed, the model may Charge as normal. If the test is failed, the model does not Charge and may not move at all this turn.

  • Area Effect

    If a Catapult scores a hit against a Battlefield target, all models within 2\" of the target suffer one Strength 5 hit and are knocked Prone (this additional hit does not kill a target outright).

  • Goblin Crew

    If the Catapult Troll wins the Fight, in addition to any Strikes that the Troll makes, the Goblin crew may also make Strikes against those in combat with the Troll. The Goblins inflict D6 Strength 3 Strikes if the Catapult Troll wins the Fight. Note that if the Catapult Troll uses a Brutal Power Attack, then the Goblins do not get these additional Strikes.

  • Metal Gauntlets

    Catapult Trolls never count as being unarmed. Furthermore, count their Strength as 10 when rolling for distance with a Hurl Brutal Power Attack.