Profile of War Bat (Azog's Legion)

25 pts

Infantry, Warrior, Bat, Gundabad

  • Mv
  • 12
  • Wargear
  • Razor-sharp teeth and talons
  • Special Rule(s)
  • Fly

    This model may ignore all intervening models and terrain as it moves - flying over buildings, woods and so on. The model may not end its movement within woods or upon any terrain that its base will not safely balance upon (flat rocks, hills and the like are fine, but don’t try to perch your model precariously upon trees, sloped roofs, and so on). When flying, a model may move up to 12". A model with this special rule may still choose to use their normal Move value if they wish, however, they will gain none of the benefits of the Fly special rule if they move in this way. If a model with the Fly special rule walks into a wood, they cannot use the Fly special rule again until they have fully left the wood.
    Furthermore, a model with this special rule may pass ’over’ enemy Control Zones without charging the model - as long as they end their move outside the Control Zone.

  • Piercing Talons

    When a War Bat Charges, the Defence of the charged model, and any models that subsequently counter-charge, is reduced by 2 against the War Bat’s Strikes.

  • Pluck

    At the end of a War Bat’s Move, pick an unengaged Man-sized (or smaller) enemy model that it has moved over and roll a D6. On a 4+, that model suffers a Strength 4 hit. If it survives, roll another dice. On a 4+, that model is Knocked to the Ground.