Hero of Fortitude
Infantry, Hero, Man, Dunlending
This model automatically passes any Courage test it is required to make.
All Wild Men of Dunland included in the same army as The Wild Man Oathmaker gain the Isengard Keyword for the duration of the battle.
Friendly Wild Men of Dunland within 6\" of The Wild Man Oathmaker gain the Fearless special rule.
A model with this special rule adds 1 to their To Wound rolls when fighting in combat against the models with the keyword listed in the brackets in its profile. For example, a model that has the Hatred (Man) special rule will get +1 to their To Wound rolls against all models with the Man keyword. A model that has the Hatred (Mordor) special rule will get +1 to their To Wound rolls against all models with the Mordor keyword.