Isengard, Infantry, Uruk-hai, Warrior
A demolition charge is a Heavy Object, as on page 110 of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual. It may never be carried by mounted models.
’To use the demolition charge it must be dropped. A model with a flaming brand in base contact with the charge, which is not also Engaged in combat, may attempt to set it off at the start of the Fight phase. A model may only attempt to detonate the charge if the resulting explosion would affect at least two enemy models, or an enemy Siege target; meaning there must be at least two enemy models within 2\" of the charge to detonate it. The model attempting to set off the charge must pass a Courage test. If it fails, it cannot detonate the charge. If it succeeds, the Evil player rolls on the Detonation table to determine the effects.
Detonation table:
D6 Result
1: Dud. The charge has been damaged in some way and will not detonate yet - roll again next turn and add+1 to the roll.
2-5: Instant Reaction. The charge catches instantly, exploding in a roar of smoke and flame, as describedbelow.
6: Titanic Explosion. The powder in the charge detonates with colossal fury as described below, but inflicts2D6 Wounds rather than D6.
When it explodes, a demolition charge automatically strikes everything within 2\" of the model - gates, doors, and of course, any models (friend or foe) that are in range of it. Each target struck automatically takes D6 Wounds, regardless of its Defence value. Cavalry models take D6 hits on both the mount and the rider.’
Without a burning brand, causing a detonation is hard. Any model from the same army as the demolition charge may attempt a Desperate Detonation at the start of the Fight phase as long as it is in base contact and not Engaged in combat. It must also pass a Courage test as normal. For each model attempting this, roll a D6. If one or more 6s are rolled, the charge is detonated - roll on the Detonation table as usual.
A model carrying a flaming brand cannot use a two-handed weapon (if it has one). If a model carrying a flaming brandis killed,the brand is extinguished and lost in the chaos of battle.
The demolition charge can be shot at normally, and has a Defence of 7 and 3 Wounds. If the charge is wounded, roll a D6 per Wound inflicted. On a 6, the charge immediately detonates - roll on the Detonation table as normal.
A demolition charge that is wounded by another demolition charge will be detonated on the roll of a 4+ (per Wound suffered) rather than a 6.
If brought to 0 Wounds without exploding, the demolition charge is shattered and the powder scatters harmlessly on the ground - remove the charge from play.
An enemy model that spends a Fight phase in base contact with a demolition charge, and is not Engaged in combat, may automatically disable it. Remove it from play.
1x Berserker Uruk-haï avec Torche
Isengard, Infantry, Uruk-hai, Warrior
Mv | Fv | S | D | A | W | C |
6 | 4/+4 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 7 |
1x Guerrier Uruk-haï de démolition
Isengard, Infantry, Uruk-hai, Warrior
Mv | Fv | S | D | A | W | C |
6 | 4/+4 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Every time this model suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, the wound is ignored exactly as if a point of Fate had been spent. This is not cumulative with other special rules that confer the same effect.
Uruk-hai Berserkers count their Defence characteristic as 6 when an enemy model makes a shooting attack against them.