Hero or Valour
Infantry, Hero, Man, Haradrim
This is a banner. However it does not hinder the Golden King in any way. He does not suffer the -1 penalty for carrying it.
When fighting with a two-handed weapon, a model with this special rule does not suffer the -1 penalty to their Duel roll. Additionally, Burly models may carry a Heavy Object and move their full distance.
The Golden King and his bearers are represented by a single model with the combined profile shown above, and the component parts cannot be attacked or wounded separately. Once the Golden King is reduced to 0 Wounds, or otherwise removed as a casualty, remove the entire model from play. Treat the Golden King’s Control Zone as being the area within 1\" of either bearer’s base.
The Golden King may spend any number of Will points whenever an enemy Hero model takes a Courage test within 12\". The target model’s Courage value is reduced by 1 for each point of Will the Golden King spends in this way. The Golden King may even wait for the Courage test to be rolled before choosing whether to expend any Will points. After the Golden King has reduced a target’s Coureage value, the target may still use Might or Will to alter their Courage test.