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Profile of The Mûmak War Leader With Royal War Mûmak (Far Harad)

400 pts

Hero of Legend

Hero, Monster, Mûmak, War Beast

  • Mv
  • 8
  • Wargear
  • Armour
  • Long-bladed spear

    This unusual weapon can be used as either a spear or a two-handed sword.

  • Sigils of Defiance

    Models in the Howdah gain the Resistant to Magic special rule. Additionally, every time a model in the Howdah suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On a 6, the Wound is ignored exactly as if a point of Fate had been expended.

  • Tusk Weapons

    A Mûmak with Tusk Weapons will inflict four Strength 9 hits when it Tramples, rather than three.

  • Howdah
    Mv Fv S D A W C
    9 5
  • Gnarled Hide

    The Mûmak has Defence 8 rather than 7.

  • Heroic Action(s)
  • Heroic March
  • Heroic Strike
  • Heroic Strength
  • Heroic Challenge
  • Special Rule(s)
  • Royal War Mûmak

    The Mûmak War Leader rides into battle upon his Royal War Mûmak. This is a War Mûmak of Far Harad with the Gnarled Hide, Sigils of Defiance and Tusk Weapons upgrades. Additionally, the Royal War Mûmak has a Fight Value of 5 rather than 4. The Mûmak War Leader replaces the Mahûd Beastmaster Chieftain and is placed in the same manner as the Mahûd Beastmaster Chieftain. Additionally, the Mûmak War Leader may include Haradrim Warriors in the Howdah, as if they were from the Far Harad army list, and not lose its Army Bonus.

  • Imposing Presence

    Whilst mounted upon his Royal War Mûmak, the first time each turn that an enemy model declares a Heroic Move within 12\" of the Mûmak War Leader, roll a D6. On a 4+, the Heroic Move is immediately cancelled and any Might points spent in declaring it are lost. Whilst the Mûmak War Leader is atop his Royal War Mûmak, measure the range of this special rule from the Mûmak’s base.

  • High King of the Mahûd

    The range of the Mûmak War Leader’s Stand Fast! is 12\" rather than 6\". Additionally, models from the Mûmak War Leader’s warband may deploy within 12\", rather than 6\" – even outside the Howdah if they wish. Whilst the Mûmak War Leader is atop his Royal War Mûmak, measure the range of this special rule from the Mûmak’s base.

  • In the army with
  • 1x Chef de Guerre des Mûmakil

    Infantry, Hero, Man, Mahûd

    Mv Fv S D A W C M W F
    6 5/+3 5 5 3 3 6 3 2 2
  • Règle(s) Spéciale(s) du profil associé : Chef de Guerre des Mûmakil
  • High King of the Mahûd

    The range of the Mûmak War Leader’s Stand Fast! is 12\" rather than 6\". Additionally, models from the Mûmak War Leader’s warband may deploy within 12\", rather than 6\" – even outside the Howdah if they wish. Whilst the Mûmak War Leader is atop his Royal War Mûmak, measure the range of this special rule from the Mûmak’s base.