Hero of Fortitude
Infantry, Hero, Dwarf, Erebor
Mv | Fv | S | D | A | W | C |
8 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
Mountain Dwellers may re-roll any Jump, Leap and Climb tests. In addition, they may move through rocky areas that are classified as difficult terrain as if they were open ground.
If this model is armed with a shield, whilst in base contact with two or more non-Prone models with this special rule that are armed with a shield, this model gains a bonus +1 to its Defence. This bonus is only available whilst on foot.
Whenever an enemy Hero attempts a Heroic Action within 6\" of a model with this special rule, this model may call the same Heroic Action without spending Might, even if they would not usually have access to it.
Sometimes a model with this special rule will have a number after the rule in brackets, e.g., Master of Battle (5+). In this situation, whenever an enemy Hero attempts a Heroic Action within 6\" of a model with this special rule, roll a D6. If the dice score equals or beats the number after the special rule, this model may call the same Heroic Action without spending Might - even if they would not normally be able to call the same Heroic Action.
Mountain Dwellers may re-roll any Jump, Leap and Climb tests. In addition, they may move through rocky areas that are classified as difficult terrain as if they were open ground.
When this model Charges into combat against one or more Man-sized (or smaller) models, roll a D6 for each. On a 5+, that model is immediately Knocked to the Ground.