Hero or Valour
Infantry, Hero, Elf, Rivendell
This is an Elven-made hand-and-a-half sword. Additionally, Elrond gets a bonus of +1 To Wound Spirit models when making strikes with Hadhafang.
Elrond, Master of Rivendell may re-roll his dice when using Fate points.
Mv | Fv | S | D | A | W | C |
10 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
An Infantry model with this special rule may move through woods and forests that are classified as difficult terrain as if they are open ground. Note that this doesn’t mean they can automatically climb terrain in those areas, nor move through tree trunks or jump fallen Obstacles.
Should a model wish to Charge this model, it must first take a Courage test before it moves. If the test is passed, the model may Charge as normal. If the test is failed, the model does not Charge and may not move at all this turn.
A model with this special rule may re-roll a single D6 when making a Duel roll. Additionally, they may re-roll a single D6 when rolling To Wound.
If your army contains Elrond, then Rivendell Knights do not count towards your Bow Limit.
Before the game begins, roll a D6 and make a note of the result - these are Elrond’s Foresight points for the battle. During the Priority phase, after the dice has been rolled, so long as he is alive and on the battlefield, Elrond may chose to expend these Foresight points to alter the controlling player’s dice roll. For each Foresight point expended, Elrond may alter the dice score by either +1or -1, to a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6.
Harnessing the mighty power of nature, the caster summons forth bubbling, surging waters to spring from the ground and sweep their enemies from their feet. Those who venture too close to a river or pond will feel the full force of this power as they are buffeted by the raging cun-ents the caster summons.
This power targets al l enemy models within range. All enemy models within 3\" of the caster are knocked Prone. Cavalry models are automatically treated as having suffered a Knocked Flying result on the Thrown Rider table - both rider and mount are then knocked Prone. All affected models additionally suffer one Strength 2 hit, or one Strength 8 hit if they are in a stream, river or other similar water terrain feature.
The target's Strength is instead reduced by D3.
This power targets a single friendly model within range. The target immediately regains a single Wound lost earlier in the battle. If the target is a Cavalry model, the caster must choose whether the rider or the mount rega ins the Wound.
The target's Strength is instead reduced by D3.