Hero of Fortitude
Infantry, Hero, Hobbit
Whilst wearing the Mithril Coat, a model adds +3 to their Defence.
A model wearing an Elven cloak has the Stalk Unseen special rule
Mv | Fv | S | D | A | W | C |
8 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
If this model is targeted by a Magical Power, it may use an additional ’free’ dice when it makes a Resist test, even if it has no Will remaining or decides not to use any Will points from its store.
Frodo may never Charge enemy models. In a Fight he will make no Strikes if his side wins the Fight.
All Hobbit models within 6\" of Frodo count as being in range of a banner.
If a model riding a Pony wishes to charge, the model must make a Courage test. If the test is failed, the model may not Charge but may move as normal. Note that a model must always take this Courage test, even if it would usually automatically pass it. A model riding a Pony does not get the Extra Attack or Knock to the Ground bonuses when charging.