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Profile of Bilbo Baggins (Shire)

40 pts

Hero of Fortitude

Infantry, Hero, Hobbit

  • Mv
  • 4
  • Wargear
  • Dagger
  • Options
  • The One Ring (if your army does not contain Frodo)

    The model with the Ring (the Ringbearer) can put it on at any time during their Move phase. As soon as they do so, they become Invisible. Models cannot put the Ring on if they have already been charged and are in combat. If a model who put on the Ring is mounted, their steed will bolt and they must immediately take a Thrown Rider test.

    Whilst they wear the Ring, the Ringbearer cannot be directly targeted by Magical Powers or shooting attacks (and does not count as In The Way). Whilst Invisible, the Ringbearer ignores enemy Control Zones and may move through friendly and enemy models, providing they do not end their move overlapping any part of another model’s base. The Ringbearer has no Control Zone whilst invisible and enemy models may even move ’through’ the Ringbearer. If an enemy model wishes to end its movement on the space the Ringbearer is taking up, move the Ringbearer the minimum distance to place them out of the way - this could involve hopping low walls, moving through foes or being shoved off a diff! This cannot be done if the Ringbearer is already in combat. If an enemy wishes to Charge the Ringbearer whilst they wear the Ring, it must pass a Courage test, applying a penalty of -1 to the roll for every l" the Ringbearer is away from the foe. Models that automatically pass Courage tests still need to make this test, as it represents them being able to see the Ringbearer, not how terrifying the Ringbearer is. If a model fails this Courage test it only means they are unable to locate the Invisible model, and they may continue the rest of their tum as normal; though they may not attempt to Charge the Invisible model again that tum. An Invisible model may still dedare Heroic Actions, however, they cannot call the likes of With Me!, Take Aim!, or any other action that would allow allied models to join in the Heroic Action. If an Invisible model dedares a Heroic Combat, other allied models may not move as part of a successful Heroic Combat.
    During the Fight phase, any enemy model Engaged in combat with an invisible Ringbearer halves its Fight value for the duration of the duel.
    None of the above rules apply to Sauron or Ringwraith models. Indeed, they actually gain some benefit, as described in their own special rules or the Will of Evil special rule.

    If the controlling player wishes the Ringbearer to take off the Ring, they need to pass a Courage test to remove it. This test can be taken at any point during the Ringbearer’s Move phase, once it has been established which side has control of their movement (see below). If the test is failed, the Ringbearer must wear the Ring until the next tum, when they will have another chance to remove it. The Ringbearer cannot both put on and take off the Ring in the same turn.

    If the Ring is already being worn, then the controlling player must test to see if the Ringbearer can overcome Sauron’s will. To do so, they must roll a dice immediately before they move the Ringbearer in the Move phase. If the player does not wish to move the Ringbearer, they must still roll a dice - but can do so at any time during their Move phase. The roll is made on behalf of the Ringbearer themself, so we allow the controlling player to use the Ringbearer’s Might points to modify this dice roll if they wish to do so. On a 3+, the controlling player moves the Ringbearer as usual. On a 1 or 2, the opposing player moves the Ringbearer instead of the controlling player. Regardless of which side moves the Ringbearer, they are still part of the controlling player’s side and all other actions, such as shooting and fighting, remain under the control of the controlling player. This means that when the opposing player moves the Ringbearer, all they can do is move the model, induding Charging (in this case, the Ringbearer does not need to take Courage tests to Charge terrifying foes) . They cannot perform Heroic Actions and cannot pick up or put down other items. They cannot be forced to perform actions that would cause direct harm to the model (such as jumping down a cliff ... ) or be moved off the table (if the Scenario allows). This represents the struggle between the Ringbearer and the will of Sauron.

    During Matched Play and Open Play games, if the Ringbearer is the only model left on the controlling player’s side and is wearing the Ring, they count as a casualty - their mind has been taken over by its power. As Scenarios may depend on them surviving, this is very important! If the opposing side’s objective is to kill the Ringbearer, this is achieved if they are the only model remaining on the table from the controlling player’s side and they are wearing the Ring.
    There may be the odd occasions in Matched Play and Open Play games where there is more than one model on the board with The One Ring. As The One Ring is the only one of its kind (the due is in the name), we have created a hierarchy of who carries the Ring when this occurs. The model closest to the top of the hierarchy table will get the Ring.

    • 1: The Dark Lord Sauron
    • 2: Isildur
    • 3 Bilbo Baggins (from the Thorin’s Company army list) or Bilbo Baggins, Master Burglar (from the Survivors of Lake-town army list).
    • 4 Frodo Baggins
    • 5 Bilbo Baggins (from The Shire or Rivendell army list)
    • 6 Collum

    In the rare situation where both players control models that have the Ring, and both models are the same on the hierarchy table, both players may use the Ring - although one is dearly a fake and only the winner of the battle can claim that theirs was the real one.

  • Sting (if no other model carries it)
  • Mithril Coat (if no other model wears it)
  • Heroic Action(s)
  • Heroic Resolve
  • Special Rule(s)
  • Resistant to Magic

    If this model is targeted by a Magical Power, it may use an additional ’free’ dice when it makes a Resist test, even if it has no Will remaining or decides not to use any Will points from its store.

  • Throw Stones (range 8\", Strength 1)

    If this model does not move at all during the Move phase, then in the Shoot phase it may make a shooting attack with the Strength and range specified in the model’s profile.

  • Bilbo of The Shire

    If your force contains Bilbo and any of Frodo of the Nine Fingers; Samwisethe Brave; Meriadoc, Captain of the Shire or Peregrin Took, Captainof theShire, then it will automatically lose its Army Bonus. Additionally, the force will automatically be Impossible Allies with every other army list regardless of whatthe alliance would normally be.