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Profile of Baldo Tulpenny (Shire)

40 pts

Hero of Fortitude

Infantry, Hero, Hobbit

  • Mv
  • 4
  • Wargear
  • Dagger
  • Heroic Action(s)
  • Heroic Accuracy
  • Special Rule(s)
  • Resistant to Magic

    If this model is targeted by a Magical Power, it may use an additional ’free’ dice when it makes a Resist test, even if it has no Will remaining or decides not to use any Will points from its store.

  • Throw Stones (range 8\", Strength 1)

    If this model does not move at all during the Move phase, then in the Shoot phase it may make a shooting attack with the Strength and range specified in the model’s profile.

  • Champion Stone Skipper

    Baldo Tulpenny may re-roll failed To Hit rolls when throwing stones. Additionally, if Baldo rolls a natural 6 when rolling To Hit, do not take any In The Way tests, and do not roll To Wound. His target automatically suffers a single Wound.

  • Master of Traps

    At the start of the game, Baldo may place eight 25mm Trap Markers on the board; two each of Snare Trap, Tripwire Trap, Pitfall Trap and Dummy Trap markers. These should be placed face-down so your opponent cannot tell which Trap is which. These Traps are placed and work exactly as described on page 64 (SotS).

  • The Traps

    Some Scenarios or characters allow for the Hobbit player to deploy a selection of Traps on the board to help them gain an advantage over those that seek to bring ruin to the Shire. The special rules of either the Scenario or character will state how many of each type of Trap the Hobbit player may deploy at the start of the game. Traps are deployed after both sides have set up but before the first turn begins. Friendly models treat Traps as open ground but no model may finish their movement with their base overlapping a Trap marker. Traps can be deployed anywhere on the board, although they must be deployed using the following rules:

    • Traps may not be deployed within the enemy player’s deployment zone.
    • Traps may not be deployed within 3\" of another Trap.
    • Traps may not be deployed within an enemy model’s Control Zone
    • Traps may not be deployed within 2\" of an Objective markerinScenarios where this applies

  • Triggering Traps

    When Trap markers are deployed, they are always placed face down so that the opposing player cannot tell what kindof Trapeach Trap marker represents. When an enemy model moves within 1\" of a Trap marker, they immediately stop moving–flipthe Trap marker over and resolve the effects of the Trapthat is revealed, as explained opposite. Models that reveal a Trap marker cannot continue moving after revealing the Trap; they have either fallen into the Trap or used the rest of their movement to avoid it.

  • Tripwire Trap

    When a Tripwire Trap is revealed, the Hobbit playerrolls a D6. On a 2+, the model that revealed the Trap suffers a Strength 2 hit and is placed Prone. Cavalry models that reveal a Tripwire Trap are only affected on a 4+. However, they will also count as being Knocked Flying in addition to suffering a Strength 2 hit. Monster models are unaffected by a Trip wire Trap, and can continue to move even after revealing the Trap. After the effects are resolved, remove the Trap from play.

  • Snare Trap

    When a Snare Trap is revealed, the Hobbit player rolls a D6. On a 2+, the model that revealed the Trap is immediately knocked Prone and suffers a Strength 1 hit (they actually either have their legs tied up or are kept dangling in the air, but this has the same effect). A model that is caught in a Snare Trap cannot move until they have freed themselves. They will not stand up if they win a fight and will always count as being Trapped. During the End phase of eachturn, roll a D6 for a model caught in a Snare Trap. If the result is equal to or less than the model’s Strength characteristic then the model has freed themselvesandmay immediately stand up.
    Cavalry models that reveal a Snare Trapareonlyaffected on a 4+. However, they will also count asbeing Knocked Flying in addition to suffering a Strength 1 hit. Monster models are unaffected by a Snare Trap, and can continue to move even after revealing the Trap. After the effects are resolved, remove the Trap from play.

  • Pitfall Trap

    When a Pitfall Trap is revealed, the Hobbit player rolls a D6. On a 2+, the model that revealed the Trap immediately falls into the hole. A model that falls into a Pitfall Trap may attempt to get out of the hole at the start of each of its Move phases. Roll a D6. On a 4+, the model clambers out of the hole at the cost of half of its Move value.
    Whilst in a Pitfall Trap, a model always counts asbeing Trapped. Cavalry models that reveal aPitfall Trap are only affected on a 4+. However, theywill also count as being Knocked Flying in additiontofalling into the hole. Monster models are unaffectedby a Pitfall Trap, and can continue to move even after revealing the Trap. After the effects are resolved, leavethe Pitfall Trap face-up. A model can attempt tocrossa Pitfall Trap by passing a Jump test, but if theyfail, they will fall into the hole. If a model is forcedintobase contact with the Pitfall Trap (such as when they Back Away) then they will fall into the hole. Onlyonemodel at a time can be in a Pitfall Trap.

  • Dummy Trap

    When an Infantry model reveals a DummyTrap, remove the Trap from play (there is no Trap there after all!), though the model will still stop moving. Cavalry and War Beast models are unaffected by a Dummy Trap, and can continue to move even after revealing the Trap