Hero of Fortitude
Infantry, Hero, Man
Instead of making Strikes, if this model wins a fight against a Hobbit model, he may attempt to bind it in chains. Nominate one Hobbit model from the fight and roll a D6 - if the score is higher than the target’s Strength, the model is bound. Treat it as thought it had been affected by the Paralyse Magical Power.
Once per game, if Rowan ends his move within 1\" of a single building or a single piece of woodland terrain and is not Engaged in a fight, he can try to set it alight. Roll a D6. On a 3+, the selected piece of terrain is set on fire - Might may be used to modify this roll. Any model that is in it, or touching it, at the end of the Move phase must roll a D6. On a 4+, that model is immediately Set Ablaze.
At the start of the Fight phase, Rowan Thistlewood may declare a Heroic Combat without spending Might. If he does so, he must move into combat with an enemy Hobbit Hero model. If he cannot move into combat with an enemy Hobbit Hero model then he cannot use this special rule.