Hero of Fortitude
Hero, Man, Cavalry, Arnor
Mv | Fv | S | D | A | W | C |
10 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Whilst mounted, an Expert Rider may re-roll the dice when making Jump, Swim and Thrown Rider tests.
While mounted, a model carrying both a shield and a bow will still receive the +1 Defence bonus for being armed with a shield. If the model dismounts, they will lose this bonus.
Additionally, an Expert Rider can pick up Light Objects without having to dismount.
A model with this special rule adds 1 to their To Wound rolls when fighting in combat against the models with the keyword listed in the brackets in its profile. For example, a model that has the Hatred (Man) special rule will get +1 to their To Wound rolls against all models with the Man keyword. A model that has the Hatred (Mordor) special rule will get +1 to their To Wound rolls against all models with the Mordor keyword.
Whenever an enemy Hero attempts a Heroic Action within 6\" of a model with this special rule, this model may call the same Heroic Action without spending Might, even if they would not usually have access to it.
Sometimes a model with this special rule will have a number after the rule in brackets, e.g., Master of Battle (5+). In this situation, whenever an enemy Hero attempts a Heroic Action within 6\" of a model with this special rule, roll a D6. If the dice score equals or beats the number after the special rule, this model may call the same Heroic Action without spending Might - even if they would not normally be able to call the same Heroic Action.