Hero of Fortitude
Infantry, Hero, Spirit
Friendly Spirit models within 3\" of a Pennant of the Dead gain the Resistant to Magic special rule.
Should a model wish to Charge this model, it must first take a Courage test before it moves. If the test is passed, the model may Charge as normal. If the test is failed, the model does not Charge and may not move at all this turn.
When determining what number models with this special rule need To Wound their opponents, use their opponent’s Courage rather than its Defence on the Wound chart. Models with this special rule cannot use Special Strikes.
A model with this special rule may move over water features as if they were open ground.
If the King of the Dead is within 3\" of one or more Heralds of the Dead at the start of any phase, the King of the Dead can spend one of the Herald’s Will points to declare a Heroic Action instead of spending one of his own Might points. Heralds of the Dead also benefit from the King of the Dead’s The Dead and the Living special rule.