Shooting attacks that target the Balrog will only ever hit on a 5 or more.
…and Flame
Once per game, at the start of any Shoot phase, the Balrog may select a single enemy model within 3\" of it and roll a D6. On a 2+, that model is immediately Set Ablaze. This is an Active ability. After the Balrog has used this ability, it no longer benefits from the ’Shadow...’ ability provided by this Legendary Legion.
Dominion of the Balrog
Friendly Goblin models within 6\" of the Balrog gain a bonus of +1 to their Fight value. Additionally, this army will never be considered Broken so long as the Balrog has 6 or more Wounds remaining. Should the Balrog have 5 or fewer Wounds remaining, then the army will Break as normal. If the Balrog is slain, the army will immediately count as Broken.
Drums in the Deep
The effects of a Moria Goblin or Moria Blackshield Drum are increased from 18\" to battlefield wide. Additionally, so long as the Drum and at least one Drummer are alive, then the Drum will count as a banner for the purpose of Victory Points in Scenarios that award Victory Points for having a banner left alive.