Sharku may declare a Heroic Combat each turn without expending Might.
In Scenarios that use the Maelstrom of Battle special rule, a Wolves of Isengard force may choose to automatically win or lose Priority in the first turn. However, if both forces have special rules that allow them to do this, roll for Priority as normal. Additionally, models from this force may Charge in the same turn in which they enter the board, even if they may not normally be allowed to do so. Should a model entering the board in this manner fail a Courage test to charge a Terror causing enemy, the model may still move onto the board as normal, but may not Charge anything that turn.
At the start of the game, after both sides have deployed but before the first Priority has been rolled, select up to D6 friendly Warrior models in your force. The selected models may immediately make a move as if it were the Move phase, and then Shoot as if it were the Shoot phase (if able). During this additional move, the selected models may not move within 1\" of an enemy model, and therefore may not Charge. In Scenarios where you roll for additional models to arrive, such as those that use the Reinforcements or Maelstrom of Battle special rule, the selected D6 models may roll to enter the board before the first turn of the game, re-rolling any results that would cause them to not enter the board until they come onto the board; treat each model as an individual warband.