If your army includes Mauhúr then any Uruk-hai Scouts in your force may be upgraded to Mauhúr’s Marauders rather than just the ones in Mauhúr’s warband – this upgrade is free rather than costing 1 point per model. Additionally, Lurtz, Uglúk, Uruk-hai Scout Captains and Uruk-hai Drummers increase their Move value to 8\". Additionally, friendly models gain the Woodland Creature special rule.
A Worthy Foe
Lurtz may declare a Heroic Challenge against any Hero model regardless of Heroic Tier. Additionally, if Lurtz declares a Heroic Challenge, and the targeted Hero declines then Lurtz regains the Might point spent in declaring the Heroic Challenge.
Shield Throw
Once per game, Lurtz can choose to use his shield as a throwing weapon. This has a Strength of 4, and any Mansized (or smaller) model hit by the shield is automatically knocked Prone. Once Lurtz has thrown his shield, he no longer carries it and cannot use it for the remainder of the battle. Note that even though he no longer has a shield, Lurtz’s Defence will not be reduced.