“You have my sword”
So long as Frodo is alive and on the battlefield, friendly Fellowship models gain the Fearless special rule. Additionally, a Fellowship Army can never be considered Broken whilst Frodo is alive, even if he escapes the battlefield in Scenarios where this applies.
Gifts of Galadriel - Light of Eärendil
At the start of each of his Activations, Frodo may roll a D6. On a 3+, Frodo counts as having Cast the Blinding Light Magical Power.
Gifts of Galadriel - Elven Rope
Sam always counts as rolling a 6 for any Climb, Leap or Jump Tests he is required to make.
Gifts of Galadriel - Daggers of the Noldorin
These are Elven hand weapons. Whilst wielding these weapons, Merry and Pippin may re-roll failed To Wound Rolls when making Strikes.
Gifts of Galadriel - Elven Dagger
This is an Elven hand weapon with the Uruk-haibane special rule.
Gifts of Galadriel - Bow of the Galadhrim
Whilst within 3" of a friendly Lothlórien model, Legolas may re-roll failed To Hit Rolls when making shooting attacks.
Gifts of Galadriel - Galadriel's Locks
Gimli may use this Wargear to re-roll a single D6 in a Duel Roll. Gimli may only use this Wargear three times during the course of the game.
Gifts of Galadriel - Golden Belt
Boromir gains the Woodland Creature special rule.
Blessing of Galadriel
Friendly models count as being under the effects of the Fortify Spirit Magical Power, even if they have no Will Points remaining.
Shielded from Unfriendly Eyes
Friendly Hero models gain an Elven cloak for free.