Commander of Legions
If your General is either Azog or Bolg, then your General gains the Master of Battle (5+) special rule.
“Here ends your filthy bloodline!”
Azog may re-roll any failed To Wound Rolls when making Strikes against Erebor models.
The Horn of Gorgoroth
Once per game, after Priority has been determined, as long as your General is alive and on the battlefield they can order the Horn of Gorgoroth to be blown. Until the End of the turn, all friendly Gundabad models gain a bonus of +2 to any Courage Tests they are required to take. Additionally, until the end of the turn, all enemy models on the battlefield suffer a -2 penalty to any Courage Tests they are required to take. Note that this is not cumulative with other rules that confer similar penalties.
Raise the Banners
During the Priority Phase, after Priority has been determined, as long as your General is alive and on the battlefield they may command one of the banners on the signal tower to be raised. If they do, choose one of the banners below and apply its effects until the End Phase of the turn. You may not raise the same banner as the previous turn.
The Banner of Dol Guldur – All friendly Gundabad models on the battlefield count themselves as being inrange of a banner. The Banner of Gundabad – All friendly Gundabad Hero models on the battlefield may declare a Heroic March for free. The Banner of Angmar – Whenever a friendly Gundabad model suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On the roll of a natural 6, the Wound is ignored. Gundabad Berserkers will instead pass their Oblivious to Pain roll on a natural 5+ instead of a natural 6.