Any battle featuring this Legendary Legion takes place at night. As such, due to the reduced visibility, models cannot be targeted by shooting, Magical Powers or specials abilities over 12\" away. However, as it is much harder to avoid a shot in the dark, all shooting attacks gain a bonus of +1 when rolling To Wound. Siege Engines may still target enemy models more than 12\" away, however in this situation they will only ever hit on the roll of a 6. Models with the Cave Dweller special rule can see as normal.
Ruthless Savagery
Friendly Orc and Goblin models gain a bonus of +1 To Wound in a fight in which the opposing model is outnumbered. Note that supporting models do not count for either side for the purpose of this rule.
Dark Magics
Friendly models may re-roll any number of D6 when making a Casting roll.
Venom-back Spiders
If your force contains Ashrâk then all Giant Spiders in your force can be upgraded to Venom-back Spiders for free.