Scenario Summary
Outwit your opponent by concealing your true objective.
The players choose their army, which must have the same number of points as that of the opponent, according to the rules on the previous pages.
Terrain and Scenery
Terrain and Scenery
Both players roll a D6 – the player with the highest result chooses one of the deployment zones. They then select a Warband in their Army to deploy wholly within 12" of their board edge. Models must be deployed within 6" of the Captain of their Warband.
When this has been done, the opposing player chooses one of their Warbands and deploys it wholly within 12" of their board edge as described above. Players then alternate until all Warbands have been placed.
First Initiative
Roll 1D6, the player with the highest number goes first. In case of a tie, reroll the dice.
Once one Army has been Broken, the game might suddenly end. At the end of each turn after this condition has been met, roll a D6. On a 1-2, the game ends – otherwise, the battle continues for another turn.
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Points wins the game. If both players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw.
Victory Points
At the start of the game, secretly note down one of your own Hero models – this may not be your General unless you only have one Hero. You score 1 Victory Point if the nominated Hero is still alive at the end of the game. If the nominated Hero is still alive and has suffered no Wounds, you instead score 3 Victory Points. If the nominated Hero is still alive and has suffered no Wounds, and spent no Fate Points, you instead score 5 Victory Points.
At the start of the game, secretly note down one of your opponent’s Hero models – this may not be your opponent’s General unless they only have one Hero. You score 1 Victory Point for causing one or more Wounds on the nominated Hero. Wounds prevented by a successful Fate roll do not count. If the nominated Hero has been removed as a casualty, you instead score 3 Victory Points. If the nominated Hero has been removed as a casualty as a result of one of your models wounding them in Combat, you instead score 5 Victory Points.
At the start of the game secretly note down a single terrain piece wholly within your opponent’s half of the board. You score 1 Victory Point if at the end of the game you have more models than your opponent on or in base contact with your chosen terrain piece. If at the end of the game, you have at least two models and twice as many as your opponent on or in base contact with your chosen terrain piece, you instead score 3 Victory Points. If your opponent has no models on or in base contact with your chosen terrain piece and you have at least two, you instead score 5 Victory Points.
You score 1 Victory Point if the enemy General was wounded during the game. If the enemy General was removed as a casualty, you instead score 2 Victory Points.
You score 1 Victory Point if the enemy Army is Broken at the end of the game. If the enemy Army is Broken and your Army is not, you instead score 3 Victory Points.