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Profile of Iron Hills Ballista (Iron Hills)

125 pts

Iron Hills, Siege Engine

  • Mv
  • /+
  • Opzioni
  • Superior Construction (Siege Engines)

    This Siege Engine is a marvel of construction allowing it to shoot further. The range of the Siege Engine is increased by 12”.

  • Special Rule(s)
  • Reliable

    When firing an Iron Hills Ballista at a target, the shot will only scatter 3", rather than 6". Furthermore, the Iron Hills Crew may re-roll 1s To Hit.

  • The Old Twirly Whirlies

    The Iron Hills Ballista always counts as declaring a Heroic Shoot - there is no need to spend Might. Additionally, the Ballista follows the rules for Volley Fire. An Iron Hills Ballista has a range of 12"-48".When the Ballista hits a target, place a marker under the centre of the target model. Draw a line from the centre of the Ballista to the centre of the marker.Shooting attacks that are Strength 6 or less cannot target any model within 3" of that line for the remainder of the turn. Additionally, shooting attacks that are Strength 6 or less cannot be made if they cross the line at any point. If a shooting attack that is Strength 7 or more targets a model that is either within 3" of the line, or the shot crosses the line, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, the shooting attack is prevented. At the end of the turn, remove any marker placed due to this special rule.

  • Tremendous Impact

    If an Iron Hills Ballista scores a hit against a Battlefield Target, all Man-sized (or smaller) models within 2" are Knocked to the Ground. Cavalry models within 2" must take a Thrown Rider test. Additionally, any model within 2" also suffers a Strength 4 hit.

  • In the army with
  • x Vétéran – Nain des Monts de Fer

    Minor Hero

    Infantry, Warrior, Dwarf, Iron Hills

    Mv Fv S D A W C M W F
    5 4/+4 4 6 1 1 4 1 1 1

    x Servant – Nain des Monts de Fer

    Infantry, Warrior, Dwarf, Iron Hills

    Mv Fv S D A W C
    5 4/+4 4 6 1 1 4