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Profile of Elladan (Rivendell)

160 pts

Hero of Fortitude

Infantry, Hero, Elf, Rivendell

  • Mv
  • 6
  • Wargear
  • Armour
  • Two Elven-made swords
  • Opzioni
  • Elf Bow
  • Heavy armour
  • Elven cloak

    A model wearing an Elven cloak has the Stalk Unseen special rule

  • Horse
    Mv Fv S D A W C
    10 3 3 4 0 1 2
  • Heroic Action(s)
  • Heroic Strike
  • Special Rule(s)
  • Woodland Creature

    An Infantry model with this special rule may move through woods and forests that are classified as difficult terrain as if they are open ground. Note that this doesn’t mean they can automatically climb terrain in those areas, nor move through tree trunks or jump fallen Obstacles.

  • Twin Elven Blades

    Whilst fighting on foot, Elladan & Elrohir may choose to fight in one of three ways. They may either fight using a single sword and fight as if it were a two-handed sword, they may elect to fight with both swords for +1 Attacks, or they may elect to parry, which counts as shielding.

  • Unbreakable bond

    Should one brother be killed, the surviving brother will immediately increase their Strength by 1 and decrease their Defence by 1. The surviving brother will automatically pass all Courage tests they are forced to make and must do everything they can to Charge the model that killed their brother as quickly as possible. Once that model is killed, the surviving brother must move as fast as possible towards the closest enemy model for the remainder of the game, charging if able. Additionally, if the model that killed the brother is a Hero model, the first time the surviving brother is in combar with his brother’s killer, he must declare a Heroic Challenge, targeting that Hero, without spending Might. This may be done even if the Hero is of a lower Heroic Tier than the surviving brother.

  • Elladan & Elrohir

    Elladan & Elrohir cannot be played without each other

  • In the army with
  • x Elrohir (Jumeau)

    Hero of Fortitude

    Infantry, Hero, Elf, Rivendell

    Mv Fv S D A W C M W F
    6 6/+3 4 5 2 2 6 3 2 2
  • Règle(s) Spéciale(s) du profil associé : Elrohir (Jumeau)
  • Woodland Creature

    An Infantry model with this special rule may move through woods and forests that are classified as difficult terrain as if they are open ground. Note that this doesn’t mean they can automatically climb terrain in those areas, nor move through tree trunks or jump fallen Obstacles.

  • Twin Elven Blades

    Whilst fighting on foot, Elladan & Elrohir may choose to fight in one of three ways. They may either fight using a single sword and fight as if it were a two-handed sword, they may elect to fight with both swords for +1 Attacks, or they may elect to parry, which counts as shielding.

  • Unbreakable bond

    Should one brother be killed, the surviving brother will immediately increase their Strength by 1 and decrease their Defence by 1. The surviving brother will automatically pass all Courage tests they are forced to make and must do everything they can to Charge the model that killed their brother as quickly as possible. Once that model is killed, the surviving brother must move as fast as possible towards the closest enemy model for the remainder of the game, charging if able. Additionally, if the model that killed the brother is a Hero model, the first time the surviving brother is in combar with his brother’s killer, he must declare a Heroic Challenge, targeting that Hero, without spending Might. This may be done even if the Hero is of a lower Heroic Tier than the surviving brother.

  • Elladan & Elrohir

    Elladan & Elrohir cannot be played without each other