List of public Middle Earth SBG armies

Legendary Legion
Total Points
Number of Model
Top Army/FFTM Selection

Armée de ARP_Inquisitor

Legendary Legion The Host of the Dragon Emperor
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User ARP_Inquisitor (#143)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2024 - 3e édition

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Armée de Gugurille

Historical Allies Minas Tirith, Rohan
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Gugurille
Tournament French Wargame Days 2024 - 3e édition

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Armée de klug

Regular Army Mordor
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User klug
Tournament French Wargame Days 2024 - 3e édition

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Thranduil 800

Historical Allies Halls of Thranduil, Iron Hills
Leader Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 30 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 16 | 25% : 7
User Korazor (#85)

Armée de lancelot2509 (675pts)

Historical Allies Númenor, Rivendell
Leader Elendil, High King Of Gondor And Arnor
Points 650 pts
Number of Model 29 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 15 | 25% : 7
User lancelot2509 (#27)
Tournament FWC n°7

Armée de Charby

Historical Allies Fiefdoms, Minas Tirith
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Charby (#94)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2024 - 3e édition

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Armée de Cogliostro

Regular Army Isengard
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Cogliostro (#351)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2024 - 3e édition

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Armée de Garagrim

Historical Allies Far Harad, Serpent Horde
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Garagrim (#48)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2024 - 3e édition

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Armée de Manuno

Historical Allies Halls of Thranduil, Iron Hills
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Manuno
Tournament French Wargame Days 2024 - 3e édition

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Armée de Gil Galad

Historical Allies Mordor, Serpent Horde
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Gil Galad
Tournament French Wargame Days 2024 - 3e édition

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Armée de LeMike

Convenient Allies Arnor, Lothlórien
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User LeMike
Tournament French Wargame Days 2024 - 3e édition

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Mordor - Roi Sorcier - 800pts

Regular Army Mordor
Leader The Witch-King Of Angmar
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 46 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 24 | 25% : 11
User Jijidici (#299)

Armée de Zab (675pts)

Regular Army Minas Tirith
Leader Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower
Points 650 pts
Number of Model 36 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 19 | 25% : 9
User Zab (#103)
Tournament FWC n°7

Armée de Tordek Urside

Legendary Legion The Defenders of Helm's Deep
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Tordek Urside (#41)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Silvarin

Regular Army Mordor
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Silvarin (#14)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Asdru

Historical Allies Fiefdoms, Minas Tirith
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Asdru (#81)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Puech

Legendary Legion The Rise of the Necromancer
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Puech (#39)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Thorongil

Convenient Allies Corsairs of Umbar, Mordor
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Thorongil (#47)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Angelfred

Regular Army Angmar
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Angelfred
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Monsieur Propre (700pts)

Legendary Legion Host of the Witch-King
Leader The Witch-King Of Angmar
Points 700 pts
Number of Model 36 (5 Warbands) | 50% : 19 | 25% : 9
User Monsieur Propre (#40)
Tournament L'Athelas et l'Arc II

L'exploration de Durin

Regular Army Khazad-dûm
Leader Dwarf King
Points 144 pts
Number of Model 6 (1 Warband) | 50% : 4 | 25% : 1
User Auctavius

Armée de Castellans

Historical Allies Númenor, Rivendell
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Castellans (#170)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Cham

Regular Army Mordor
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Cham (#16)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Solcarlus

Convenient Allies Isengard, Mordor
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Solcarlus (#325)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Karabast

Convenient Allies Easterlings, Isengard
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Karabast (#175)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Fehol

Legendary Legion The Grand Army of the South
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Fehol (#246)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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Armée de Rémy.w

Regular Army Rohan
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Rémy.w (#48)
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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ManyElves 800

Historical Allies Rivendell, White Council
Leader Elrond, Master Of Rivendell
Points 796 pts
Number of Model 29 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 15 | 25% : 7
User Korazor (#85)

Armée de Drama (800pts)

Historical Allies Halls of Thranduil, Iron Hills, Survivors of Lake-town
Leader Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 44 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 23 | 25% : 11
User Drama (#23)
Tournament Ligue Vassal N° 9 - Automne

Armée de Olympia13

Historical Allies Halls of Thranduil, Iron Hills
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Olympia13
Tournament French Wargame Days 2023 - 2e édition

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