List of public Middle Earth SBG armies

Legendary Legion
Total Points
Number of Model
Top Army/FFTM Selection

Armée de Pequenio

Legendary Legion The Beornings
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Pequenio (#366)
Tournament La bataille des Andécaves n°4

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Armée de Ikorih

Historical Allies Mordor, Serpent Horde
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Ikorih (#32)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Bababibel

Legendary Legion The Black Gate Opens
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Bababibel (#95)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Budalex

Legendary Legion The Chief's Ruffians
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Budalex (#109)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Barbecue

Convenient Allies Dark Denizens of Mirkwood, Mordor
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Barbecue (#25)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Popoww

Legendary Legion The Beornings
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User popoww
Tournament Open de France 2022

Open the army to validate its compatibility with the latest FAQ

Armée de Tordek Urside

Convenient Allies Minas Tirith, Misty Mountains, Shire
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Tordek Urside (#41)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de G0rbag (800pts)

Regular Army Isengard
Leader Saruman
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 60 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 31 | 25% : 15
User G0rbag (#45)
Tournament Ligue Vassal N° 9 - Automne

Armée de Mamax

Historical Allies Minas Tirith, Rohan
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Mamax (#99)
Tournament La bataille des Andécaves n°4

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Armée de Harry

Impossible Allies Minas Tirith, Radagast's Alliance, Rohan
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Harry
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Le Preux Shawn

Regular Army Minas Tirith
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Le Preux Shawn (#7)
Tournament Open de France 2022

Open the army to validate its compatibility with the latest FAQ

Armée de Gilldorc

Historical Allies Mordor, Serpent Horde
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Gilldorc (#42)
Tournament Open de France 2022

Open the army to validate its compatibility with the latest FAQ

Armée de Asdru

Historical Allies Lothlórien, Rohan
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Asdru (#81)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Mushu

Convenient Allies Halls of Thranduil, Khazad-dûm, Rivendell
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Mushu
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Kord

Historical Allies Far Harad, Serpent Horde
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Kord
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée copiée - Armée copiée - AUSTRIA_EVIL_LIST4

Regular Army Barad-Dûr
Leader The Dark Lord Sauron
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 42 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 22 | 25% : 10
User polo

Armée de Helmou

Convenient Allies Rohan, White Council
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Helmou (#181)
Tournament La bataille des Andécaves n°4

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Armée de Kenny_Sth

Historical Allies Lothlórien, Rohan
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Kenny_Sth (#275)
Tournament Open de France 2022

Open the army to validate its compatibility with the latest FAQ

Armée de Vulturnus

Legendary Legion Assault on Lothlórien
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Vulturnus (#355)
Tournament Open de France 2022

Open the army to validate its compatibility with the latest FAQ

Armée de Marthammor

Regular Army Khazad-dûm
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Marthammor (#344)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Dolrudir

Historical Allies Númenor, Rivendell
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Dolrudir (#1)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de rr-lagachette

Historical Allies Easterlings, Mordor
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User rr-lagachette (#93)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Winny22

Regular Army Rivendell
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Winny22 (#260)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Amàndil Eremanth (800pts)

Legendary Legion Battle of Fornost
Leader Glorfindel, Lord Of The West
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 42 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 22 | 25% : 10
User Amàndil Eremanth (#6)
Tournament Ligue Vassal N° 9 - Automne

Armée de Ewald

Legendary Legion Cirith Ungol
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Ewald (#72)
Tournament La bataille des Andécaves n°4

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Armée de Flosawada

Legendary Legion The Defenders of Erebor
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User FloSawada
Tournament Open de France 2022

Open the army to validate its compatibility with the latest FAQ

Armée de Raphdu78

Regular Army Rivendell
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Raphdu78
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Mr_Red_Dices

Legendary Legion The Grey Company
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Mr_Red_Dices (#44)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Limperium

Regular Army Minas Tirith
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Limperium
Tournament Open de France 2022

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Armée de Shiroi

Regular Army Isengard
Points 0 pts
Number of Model 0 (0 Warband) | 50% : 1 | 25% : 0
User Shiroi (#376)
Tournament Open de France 2022

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