An enemy model within the range of multiple friendly Ringwraith models’ Harbinger of Evil special rule, will suffer a -2 penalty to their Courage Test rather than -1.
Screech of the Nazgûl
A friendly Ringwraith model can use this special rule at the start of their Activation. If they do, choose an enemy model within 12" and Line of Sight of the Ringwraith. The chosen model is immediately subject to the Transfix Magical Power, which will count as being Cast on a 6 – they may take a Resist Test as normal. A Ringwraith model that uses this special rule cannot also Cast a Magical Power during their Activation. Only a single Ringwraith can use this special rule each turn, and each Ringwraith can only use this special rule once per game.
The Will of Sauron
Friendly Ringwraith models do not lose a Will Point for being Engaged in Combat as per the Will of Evil special rule.
Hunt the Ringbearer
At the start of the Fight Phase, before any other Heroic Actions are declared, a single friendly Ringwraith may declare a Heroic Combat for free. This can only be done if, should the Heroic Combat be successful, the Ringwraith could Charge the Ringbearer. If the Heroic Combat is successful, the Ringwraith must Charge the Ringbearer, though any other models involved in the Heroic Combat may act as normal. If both players declare a Heroic Combat in the Fight Phase in which this special rule is used, this player will automatically win the roll-off to see which Heroic Combat goes first; however, this Heroic Combat declared by this special rule must be the one chosen to go first.