<i>“Do you think the eyes of the white tower are blind?”</i>
Once per game, during the Priority Phase but before the roll for Priority, Denethor can use this special rule so long as he is alive and on the battlefield. If he does, Denethor’s controlling player automatically wins the roll to choose who has Priority for that turn. If both sides have a special rule allowing them to do this and both wish to use it in the same turn, players roll off as normal and both special rules count as being used.
<i>“Is there a captain here who still has the courage to do his lord’s will?”</i>
If your Army includes both Faramir and Denethor, then whilst Denethor is alive and on the battlefield, Faramir will automatically pass all Courage Tests he is required to make. Additionally, whilst Denethor is alive and on the battlefield, when Faramir Moves he must Charge if able to do so.
Faramir’s Charge
Whilst he has the Cavalry keyword, before Faramir Charges make a note of where he begins his Activation. Until the end of the turn, friendly GondorCavalryWarrior models within 6" of where Faramir begins his Activation gain the Fearless special rule and, if they Charge, gain a bonus of +1 to their Fight Value.