My old Friend
Gandalf and Saruman met on the battlefield.
To war!
You competed in a tournament between 550 and 800 points
You have already played a Good Army and an Evil Army in the same tournament.
Tournament Player of the Southwest France
You participated in your first tournament in the Southwest Region of the French Championship
Hauptmann von Rise of the Necromancer
Du hast mit Rise of the Necromancer einen Podiumsplatz (Top 5) in einem Turnier (mindestens 12 Spieler) erreicht.
And who will come ? We are not so lucky in our friends as you.
You played a Doubles tournament combining a Rohan Force and a Lothlórien Force.
Rekrut von Battle of Fornost
Du hast Battle of Fornost zum ersten Mal in einem Turnier gespielt.
Fan of Tolkien
A TO awarded you fluff points at the end of a tournament.
Filmmaker of MESBG
You significantly supported the FFTM streaming project through crowdfunding.
Rekrut von Kingdom of Rohan
Du hast Kingdom of Rohan zum ersten Mal in einem Turnier gespielt.