General information
Kael90's army
Aragorn (Strider)
Return of the King [36 Models, 894 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 19 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit Return of the King0/330%
Throwing Weapon Limit Return of the King0/330%

Return of the King 1 Aragorn (Strider) 160
Return of the King 5 Warrior of the Dead Shield 15
Return of the King 8 Warrior of the Dead Shield and Spear 16
Return of the King 1 Rider of the Dead 25
Return of the King 1 King of the Dead 100
Return of the King 5 Warrior of the Dead Shield 15
Return of the King 5 Warrior of the Dead Shield and Spear 16
Return of the King 1 Legolas Greenleaf 100
Return of the King 1 Rider of the Dead 25
Return of the King 2 Warrior of the Dead Shield 15
Return of the King 6 Warrior of the Dead Shield and Spear 16