General information
[Primary Force]
[Secondary Force] Saroumane
Isengard [22 Models, 498 pts - [Primary Force] 0 pts | [Secondary Force] 498 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 12 Quartered (25% survivors) : 5
Number of banner : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Isengard6/1932%

Isengard Secondary Force 1 Saruman Horse 190
Isengard Secondary Force 1 Crebain 20
Isengard Secondary Force 1 Gríma Wormtongue 25
Isengard Secondary Force 6 Warg Rider Orc Bow , Shield 13
Isengard Secondary Force 1 Uglùk 65
Isengard Secondary Force 5 Uruk-Hai Warrior Shield 10
Isengard Secondary Force 7 Uruk-Hai Warrior Pike 10