Informations générales
Armée de Allumette
Buhrdûr, Hill Troll Chieftain
Buhrdûr's Horde [28 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 15 Déroute (25% survivants) : 7
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 1

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Buhrdûr's Horde7/2627%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Buhrdûr's Horde1/264%

Buhrdûr's Horde 1 Buhrdûr, Hill Troll Chieftain 130
Buhrdûr's Horde 2 Hill Troll 75
Buhrdûr's Horde 1 Angmar Orc Warrior Banner 30
Buhrdûr's Horde 6 Angmar Orc Warrior Shield 6
Buhrdûr's Horde 6 Angmar Orc Warrior Spear 6
Buhrdûr's Horde 1 Angmar Orc Captain 45
Buhrdûr's Horde 7 Angmar Orc Warrior Orc Bow 6
Buhrdûr's Horde 3 Angmar Orc Warrior Two-handed Weapon 6
Buhrdûr's Horde 1 Angmar Warg Rider Shield and Throwing Spears 13
Informations générales
Armée de Ar-Mandô
Aragorn (Strider)
Return of the King [16 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 9 Déroute (25% survivants) : 4
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 1

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Return of the King0/140%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Return of the King0/140%

Return of the King 1 Aragorn (Strider) 160
Return of the King 3 Warrior of the Dead Shield 15
Return of the King 3 Warrior of the Dead Shield and Spear 16
Return of the King 1 Warrior of the Dead Spear 15
Return of the King 1 Warrior of the Dead Banner 39
Return of the King 1 King of the Dead 100
Return of the King 3 Warrior of the Dead Shield 15
Return of the King 3 Warrior of the Dead Shield and Spear 16
Informations générales
Armée de Aranwë
Uglúk, Uruk-Hai Scout Captain
Uglúk's Scouts [37 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 19 Déroute (25% survivants) : 9
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 1

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Uglúk's Scouts11/3334%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Uglúk's Scouts0/330%

Uglúk's Scouts 1 Uglúk, Uruk-Hai Scout Captain 75
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Scout Banner 33
Uglúk's Scouts 6 Uruk-Hai Scout Shield 9
Uglúk's Scouts 6 Uruk-Hai Scout Uruk-hai Bow 9
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Drummer 35
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Scout Captain 55
Uglúk's Scouts 3 Uruk-Hai Scout Shield 9
Uglúk's Scouts 5 Uruk-Hai Scout Uruk-hai Bow 9
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Snaga, Orc Captain 50
Uglúk's Scouts 12 Isengard Orc Warrior Spear 6
Informations générales
Armée de Bendrums
The Eagles [5 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 3 Déroute (25% survivants) : 1
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 0

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers The Eagles0/40%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet The Eagles0/40%

The Eagles 1 Gwaihir 150
The Eagles 2 Fledgeling Great Eagle 75
The Eagles 2 Great Eagle 100
Informations générales
Armée de Dolrudir
Aragorn, King Elessar
Men of the West [16 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 9 Déroute (25% survivants) : 4
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 0

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Men of the West0/140%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Men of the West0/140%

Men of the West 1 Aragorn, King Elessar Armoured Horse 250
Men of the West 7 Warrior of Minas Tirith Shield 9
Men of the West 6 Warrior of Minas Tirith Shield and Spear 10
Men of the West 1 Warrior of Rohan Shield 7
Men of the West 1 Legolas Greenleaf Horse 120
Informations générales
Armée de Kenny_Sth
The Witch-King of Angmar
Minas Morgul [31 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 16 Déroute (25% survivants) : 7
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 1

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Minas Morgul0/290%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Minas Morgul0/290%

Minas Morgul 1 The Witch-King of Angmar Fell Beast 200
Minas Morgul 8 Morannon Orc Warrior Shield 9
Minas Morgul 8 Mordor Orc Warrior Spear 6
Minas Morgul 1 Mordor Orc Warrior Banner 30
Minas Morgul 1 Spectre 15
Minas Morgul 1 Mordor Orc Captain 45
Minas Morgul 5 Morannon Orc Warrior Shield 9
Minas Morgul 5 Mordor Orc Warrior Spear 6
Minas Morgul 1 Spectre 15
Informations générales
Armée de Loïc
Sharku, Warg Rider Captain
Wolves of Isengard [21 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 11 Déroute (25% survivants) : 5
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 0

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Wolves of Isengard6/1638%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Wolves of Isengard5/1632%

Wolves of Isengard 1 Sharku, Warg Rider Captain 70
Wolves of Isengard 6 Isengard Warg Rider Orc Bow 12
Wolves of Isengard 2 Isengard Warg Rider Throwing Spears 12
Wolves of Isengard 3 Isengard Warg Rider Shield and Throwing Spears 13
Wolves of Isengard 4 Isengard Warg 7
Wolves of Isengard 1 Isengard Orc Captain 65
Wolves of Isengard 1 Isengard Warg 7
Wolves of Isengard 1 Isengard Orc Captain 65
Wolves of Isengard 1 Isengard Orc Captain 65
Wolves of Isengard 1 Isengard Orc Captain 65
Informations générales
Armée de LURTZ37
Moria Goblin Captain
Depths of Moria [64 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 33 Déroute (25% survivants) : 16
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 0

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Depths of Moria12/5921%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Depths of Moria0/590%

Depths of Moria 1 Moria Goblin Captain 40
Depths of Moria 12 Moria Goblin Warrior Orc Bow 5
Depths of Moria 1 Moria Goblin Captain 40
Depths of Moria 6 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Depths of Moria 6 Moria Goblin Warrior Spear 5
Depths of Moria 1 Moria Goblin Captain 40
Depths of Moria 6 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Depths of Moria 6 Moria Goblin Warrior Spear 5
Depths of Moria 1 Moria Goblin Captain 40
Depths of Moria 6 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Depths of Moria 6 Moria Goblin Warrior Spear 5
Depths of Moria 1 Moria Goblin Captain Orc Bow 45
Depths of Moria 5 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Depths of Moria 6 Moria Goblin Warrior Spear 5
Informations générales
Armée de Nihilakh
Denethor, Steward of Gondor
Minas Tirith [31 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 16 Déroute (25% survivants) : 7
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 1

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Minas Tirith3/2911%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Minas Tirith0/290%

Minas Tirith 1 Denethor, Steward of Gondor 50
Minas Tirith 5 Warrior of Minas Tirith Shield 9
Minas Tirith 5 Warrior of Minas Tirith Shield and Spear 10
Minas Tirith 1 Warrior of Minas Tirith Banner 33
Minas Tirith 1 Guard of the Fountain Court 10
Minas Tirith 2 Citadel Guard Longbow 9
Minas Tirith 1 Knight of Minas Tirith No additional equipment 15
Minas Tirith 1 Faramir, Captain of Gondor Horse , Shield 125
Minas Tirith 4 Knight of Minas Tirith No additional equipment 15
Minas Tirith 1 Citadel Guard Longbow 9
Minas Tirith 5 Warrior of Minas Tirith Shield 9
Minas Tirith 4 Warrior of Minas Tirith Shield and Spear 10
Informations générales
Armée de rr-lagachette
Lurtz, Uruk-Hai Scout Captain
Lurtz's Scouts [30 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 20 Déroute (25% survivants) : 7
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 2

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Lurtz's Scouts9/2734%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Lurtz's Scouts0/270%

Lurtz's Scouts 1 Lurtz, Uruk-Hai Scout Captain Shield 100
Lurtz's Scouts 9 Uruk-Hai Scout Shield 9
Lurtz's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Scout Banner 33
Lurtz's Scouts 5 Uruk-Hai Scout Uruk-hai Bow 9
Lurtz's Scouts 1 Uglúk, Uruk-Hai Scout Captain 75
Lurtz's Scouts 6 Uruk-Hai Scout Shield 9
Lurtz's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Scout Banner 33
Lurtz's Scouts 4 Uruk-Hai Scout Uruk-hai Bow 9
Lurtz's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Scout No additional equipment 8
Lurtz's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Drummer 35
Informations générales
Armée de Sephir0th
Denethor, Steward of Gondor
Minas Tirith [31 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 16 Déroute (25% survivants) : 7
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 1

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Minas Tirith3/2911%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Minas Tirith0/290%

Minas Tirith 1 Denethor, Steward of Gondor 50
Minas Tirith 7 Guard of the Fountain Court 10
Minas Tirith 7 Warrior of Minas Tirith Shield 9
Minas Tirith 1 Warrior of Minas Tirith Banner 33
Minas Tirith 1 Faramir, Captain of Gondor Horse , Shield 125
Minas Tirith 3 Warrior of Minas Tirith Shield 9
Minas Tirith 3 Warrior of Minas Tirith Shield and Spear 10
Minas Tirith 5 Knight of Minas Tirith No additional equipment 15
Minas Tirith 3 Citadel Guard Longbow 9
Informations générales
Armée de Eresauft
Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm
Halls of Thranduil [24 Figurines, 500 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 13 Déroute (25% survivants) : 6
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 0

Taux de Tir
Pourcentage d'archers Halls of Thranduil8/2237%
Pourcentage d'Armes de Jet Halls of Thranduil0/220%

Halls of Thranduil 1 Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm Heavy Armour , Great Elk 170
Halls of Thranduil 2 Mirkwood Elf Warrior Shield 10
Halls of Thranduil 2 Mirkwood Elf Warrior Elf Glaive 11
Halls of Thranduil 2 Mirkwood Elf Warrior Elf Bow 11
Halls of Thranduil 1 Palace Guard Elven Spear 13
Halls of Thranduil 1 Palace Guard Shield and Elven Spear 14
Halls of Thranduil 2 Mirkwood Elf Knight 16
Halls of Thranduil 1 Mirkwood Elf Captain 75
Halls of Thranduil 6 Mirkwood Elf Warrior Elf Glaive 11
Halls of Thranduil 6 Mirkwood Elf Warrior Elf Bow 11