Informations générales
Armée de The_Paladan
Aragorn (Strider)
Breaking of the Fellowship [6 Figurines, 600 pts]
Démoralisation (nb de morts) : 4 Déroute (25% survivants) : 1
Nombre de Bannière(s) : 0

Taux de Tir

Breaking of the Fellowship 1 Aragorn (Strider) 160
Breaking of the Fellowship 1 Frodo Baggins Mithril Coat 70
Breaking of the Fellowship 1 Gimli, son of Glо́in 100
Breaking of the Fellowship 1 Legolas Greenleaf 100
Breaking of the Fellowship 1 Boromir of Gondor 95
Breaking of the Fellowship 1 Haldir, Galadhrim Captain Elf Bow 75