General information
Boubou31's army
[Primary Force] Le Nécromancien de Dol Guldur
[Secondary Force] Le Roi-Sorcier d’Angmar
The Rise of the Necromancer [19 Models, 1200 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 10 Quartered (25% survivors) : 4
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models

The Rise of the Necromancer Primary Force 1 The Necromancer Of Dol Guldur 250
The Rise of the Necromancer Primary Force 1 The Slayer Of Men 75
The Rise of the Necromancer Primary Force 1 The Abyssal Knight 75
The Rise of the Necromancer Primary Force 5 Castellan Of Dol Guldur 40
The Rise of the Necromancer Secondary Force 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar 75
The Rise of the Necromancer Secondary Force 1 The Slayer Of Men 75
The Rise of the Necromancer Secondary Force 1 The Abyssal Knight 75
The Rise of the Necromancer Secondary Force 1 The Lingering Shadow 75
The Rise of the Necromancer Secondary Force 4 Castellan Of Dol Guldur Morgul Blade 45
The Rise of the Necromancer Secondary Force 3 Castellan Of Dol Guldur 40
General information
Bremoth's army
[Primary Force] Denethor, Intendant du Gondor
[Secondary Force] Théoden, Roi du Rohan
Minas Tirith , Rohan [56 Models, 1200 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 29 Quartered (25% survivors) : 14
Number of Banner(s) : 2

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Minas Tirith11/3433%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Rohan0/90%

Minas Tirith Primary Force 1 Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower The Banner of Minas Tirith , Shield , Horse 215
Minas Tirith Primary Force 4 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith Primary Force 7 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith Primary Force 4 Guard Of The Fountaincourt 10
Minas Tirith Primary Force 1 Denethor Steward Of Gondor 35
Minas Tirith Primary Force 5 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith Primary Force 6 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield , Spear 9
Minas Tirith Primary Force 4 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith Primary Force 1 Madril, Captain Of Ithilien 55
Minas Tirith Primary Force 3 Ranger Of Gondor 8
Minas Tirith Primary Force 1 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield , Spear 9
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Théoden, King Of Rohan Heavy armour , Shield , Armoured horse 100
Rohan Secondary Force 8 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Déorwine, Chief Of The King’S Knights Horse 85
Rohan Secondary Force 2 Rider Of Rohan 14
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Gamling, Captain Of Rohan Horse , The Royal Standard of Rohan 115
Rohan Secondary Force 2 Rider Of Rohan 14
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Dernhelm Throwing spears 80
Rohan Secondary Force 0 Dernhelm - Éowyn, Shield Maiden Of Rohan
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Dernhelm - Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight Of The Mark 0
Rohan Secondary Force 2 Rider Of Rohan 14
General information
Cham's army
[Primary Force] Le Balrog
[Secondary Force] Durbûrz Le Roi Gobelin de la Moria
Moria [66 Models, 1200 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 34 Quartered (25% survivors) : 16
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Moria0/300%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Moria0/300%

Moria Primary Force 1 Grôblog 50
Moria Primary Force 1 Moria Goblin Prowler 7
Moria Primary Force 4 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Moria Primary Force 6 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield , Spear 6
Moria Primary Force 1 Bat Swarm 35
Moria Primary Force 1 The Balrog 350
Moria Primary Force 2 Moria Goblin Prowler 7
Moria Primary Force 8 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Moria Primary Force 8 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield , Spear 6
Moria Secondary Force 1 The Watcher In The Water 200
Moria Secondary Force 1 Durbûrz The Goblin King Of Moria 70
Moria Secondary Force 0 Moria Goblin Drum 75
Moria Secondary Force 1 Bat Swarm 35
Moria Secondary Force 2 Moria Goblin Prowler 7
Moria Secondary Force 5 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Moria Secondary Force 5 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield , Spear 6
Moria Secondary Force 1 Moria Goblin Captain 35
Moria Secondary Force 5 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Moria Secondary Force 5 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield , Spear 6
Moria Secondary Force 1 Moria Goblin Captain 35
Moria Secondary Force 4 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Moria Secondary Force 1 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield , Spear 6
Moria Secondary Force 2 Moria Goblin Drummers 0
General information
Durburz's army
[Primary Force] Mûmak de Guerre Royal avec Chef de Guerre des Mûmakil
[Secondary Force] Suladân, le Seigneur Serpent
The Grand Army of the South [33 Models, 1200 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 17 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] La Grande Armée du Sud8/1650%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] La Grande Armée du Sud6/1250%

The Grand Army of the South Primary Force 1 The Mûmak War Leader With Royal War Mûmak 400
The Grand Army of the South Primary Force 1 The Mûmak War Leader 0
The Grand Army of the South Primary Force 8 Haradrim Warrior Bow with poisoned arrows 7
The Grand Army of the South Primary Force 8 Mahûd Raider War Spear 18
The Grand Army of the South Secondary Force 1 Suladân The Serpent Lord Bow with poisoned arrows , Armoured horse 120
The Grand Army of the South Secondary Force 4 Serpent Rider 13
The Grand Army of the South Secondary Force 2 Serpent Guard 8
The Grand Army of the South Secondary Force 1 War Mûmak Of Harad With Mahûd Beastmaster Chieftain Sigils of Defiance , Tusk Weapons , Gnarled Hide 370
The Grand Army of the South Secondary Force 1 Mahûd Beastmaster Chieftain 0
The Grand Army of the South Secondary Force 6 Haradrim Warrior Bow with poisoned arrows 7
General information
Gazpashow's army
[Primary Force] Elendil, Haut-Roi du Gondor et de l’Arnor
[Secondary Force] Erestor
Númenor , Rivendell [58 Models, 1200 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 30 Quartered (25% survivors) : 14
Number of Banner(s) : 2

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Númenor0/240%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Fondcombe10/2836%

Númenor Primary Force 1 Captain Of Númenor Heavy armour , Shield , Horse , Lance 75
Númenor Primary Force 3 Warrior Of Númenor Shield 9
Númenor Primary Force 2 Warrior Of Númenor Shield , Spear 10
Númenor Primary Force 1 Warrior Of Númenor Spear 9
Númenor Primary Force 1 Captain Of Númenor Heavy armour , Shield , Horse , Lance 75
Númenor Primary Force 3 Warrior Of Númenor Shield 9
Númenor Primary Force 2 Warrior Of Númenor Shield , Spear 10
Númenor Primary Force 1 Warrior Of Númenor Spear 9
Númenor Primary Force 1 Elendil, High King Of Gondor And Arnor Shield , Horse 200
Númenor Primary Force 1 Warrior Of Númenor Banner , Shield , Spear 35
Númenor Primary Force 6 Warrior Of Númenor Shield 9
Númenor Primary Force 4 Warrior Of Númenor Shield , Spear 10
Númenor Primary Force 1 Warrior Of Númenor Spear 9
Rivendell Secondary Force 1 Erestor 85
Rivendell Secondary Force 1 High Elf Warrior Banner , Shield , Spear 36
Rivendell Secondary Force 4 High Elf Warrior Shield 10
Rivendell Secondary Force 3 High Elf Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Rivendell Secondary Force 1 Rivendell Knight Shield 22
Rivendell Secondary Force 1 High Elf Warrior Spear 10
Rivendell Secondary Force 1 Círdan 80
Rivendell Secondary Force 3 High Elf Warrior Shield 10
Rivendell Secondary Force 3 High Elf Warrior Elf Bow , Spear 12
Rivendell Secondary Force 1 High Elf Captain Shield , Horse , Lance 95
Rivendell Secondary Force 5 High Elf Warrior Shield 10
Rivendell Secondary Force 6 High Elf Warrior Elf Bow , Spear 12
Rivendell Secondary Force 1 High Elf Warrior Shield , Spear 11
General information
Gérard Manvuça's army
[Primary Force] Dáin Pied-d’Acier, Seigneur des Monts de Fer
[Secondary Force] Thranduil, Roi du Royaume Sylvestre
Halls of Thranduil , Iron Hills [49 Models, 1200 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 25 Quartered (25% survivors) : 12
Number of Banner(s) : 2

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Monts de Fer0/260%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Domaine de Thranduil1/186%

Iron Hills Primary Force 1 Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills War boar 160
Iron Hills Primary Force 1 Iron Hills Goat Rider 20
Iron Hills Primary Force 6 Iron Hills Dwarf 11
Iron Hills Primary Force 7 Iron Hills Dwarf Spear 12
Iron Hills Primary Force 1 Iron Hills Dwarf Banner 36
Iron Hills Primary Force 1 Iron Hills Captain War goat 90
Iron Hills Primary Force 2 Iron Hills Goat Rider 20
Iron Hills Primary Force 5 Iron Hills Dwarf Spear 12
Iron Hills Primary Force 4 Iron Hills Dwarf 11
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm Heavy armour , Additional Elven-made sword , The Circlet of Kings 165
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 2 Palace Guard Spear 13
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 2 Palace Guard Shield , Spear 14
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 5 Mirkwood Elf Shield 10
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Wood Elf Sentinel 25
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Palace Guard Banner , Shield , Spear 39
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Palace Guard Captain Shield 80
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Palace Guard Shield 13
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 3 Mirkwood Elf Shield 10
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 2 Mirkwood Elf Elven Glaive 11
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Legolas Greenleaf, Prince Of Mirkwood Horse 105
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Mirkwood Cavalry Shield 17
General information
Le Preux Shawn's army
[Primary Force] Sylvebarbe (Avec Merry et Pippin)
[Secondary Force] Radagast le Brun
Fangorn , Radagast's Alliance [10 Models, 1150 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 550 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 6 Quartered (25% survivors) : 2
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Fangorn0/20%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Alliance de Radagast0/20%

Fangorn Primary Force 1 Treebeard (With Merry & Pippin) 200
Fangorn Primary Force 1 Ent 120
Fangorn Primary Force 1 Beechbone 160
Fangorn Primary Force 1 Ent 120
Radagast's Alliance Secondary Force 1 Radagast The Brown Sebastian , Sleigh 200
Radagast's Alliance Secondary Force 1 Great Eagle 100
Radagast's Alliance Secondary Force 1 Gwaihir 150
Radagast's Alliance Secondary Force 1 Great Eagle 100
Fangorn Secondary Force 1 Merry 0
Fangorn Secondary Force 1 Pippin 0
General information
Oakley's army
[Primary Force] Le Roi-Sorcier d’Angmar
[Secondary Force] Gothmog, Lieutenant de Sauron
Mordor [75 Models, 1199 pts - [Primary Force] 599 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 38 Quartered (25% survivors) : 18
Number of Banner(s) : 2

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Mordor2/2010%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Mordor3/398%

Mordor Primary Force 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar (M:3 W:15 F:3) The Crown of Morgul , Morgul Blade , Armoured Fell Beast 230
Mordor Primary Force 8 Morannon Orc Shield 8
Mordor Primary Force 7 Orc Warrior Spear 6
Mordor Primary Force 1 Orc Warrior Banner , Shield , Spear 32
Mordor Primary Force 2 Orc Tracker Warg 12
Mordor Primary Force 1 Great Beast Of Gorgoroth With Orc Commander 150
Mordor Primary Force 1 Orc Captain Shield 45
Mordor Primary Force 2 Orc Warrior Shield 6
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Gothmog, Lieutenant Of Sauron Masse, Shield , Warg 145
Mordor Secondary Force 7 Morannon Orc Shield 8
Mordor Secondary Force 6 Morannon Orc Spear 8
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Morannon Orc Banner , Spear 33
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Orc Tracker Warg 12
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Guritz, Master Of Reserves 60
Mordor Secondary Force 5 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor Secondary Force 6 Orc Warrior Spear 6
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Orc Tracker Warg 12
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Gothmog’s Enforcer 60
Mordor Secondary Force 5 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor Secondary Force 6 Orc Warrior Spear 6
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Orc Tracker Warg 12
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Orc Commander (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
Mordor Secondary Force 9 Orc Warrior (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
General information
Sans Visage's army
[Primary Force] Dáin Pied-d’Acier, Seigneur des Monts de Fer
[Secondary Force] Thranduil, Roi du Royaume Sylvestre
Halls of Thranduil , Iron Hills [56 Models, 1200 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 29 Quartered (25% survivors) : 14
Number of Banner(s) : 2

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Monts de Fer0/280%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Domaine de Thranduil5/2322%

Iron Hills Primary Force 1 Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills War boar 160
Iron Hills Primary Force 8 Iron Hills Dwarf 11
Iron Hills Primary Force 1 Iron Hills Dwarf Banner 36
Iron Hills Primary Force 9 Iron Hills Dwarf Spear 12
Iron Hills Primary Force 1 Iron Hills Captain War goat 90
Iron Hills Primary Force 2 Iron Hills Dwarf 11
Iron Hills Primary Force 8 Iron Hills Dwarf Spear 12
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm Heavy armour , Additional Elven-made sword 140
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 5 Palace Guard Shield 13
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Mirkwood Elf Banner , Shield 35
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 4 Mirkwood Elf Elven Glaive 11
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Mirkwood Elf Shield , Elven Glaive 12
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Wood Elf Sentinel 25
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Tauriel 85
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 3 Mirkwood Elf Shield 10
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 3 Mirkwood Elf Elven Glaive 11
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Mirkwood Elf Shield , Elven Glaive 12
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 1 Palace Guard Captain 75
Halls of Thranduil Secondary Force 4 Mirkwood Elf Elf Bow 11
General information
Thelion_AOE's army
[Primary Force] Galadriel
[Secondary Force] Théoden, Roi du Rohan
Lothlórien , Rohan [41 Models, 1199 pts - [Primary Force] 599 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 21 Quartered (25% survivors) : 10
Number of Banner(s) : 3

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Lothlórien8/2532%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Rohan0/50%

Lothlórien Primary Force 1 Galadriel 130
Lothlórien Primary Force 4 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien Primary Force 4 Galadhrim Warrior Elf Bow 11
Lothlórien Primary Force 3 Galadhrim Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Lothlórien Primary Force 1 Galadhrim Guard Banner , Shield , Spear 37
Lothlórien Primary Force 1 Celeborn Heavy armour , Shield , Elven-made blade (hand-and-a-half sword) 150
Lothlórien Primary Force 4 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien Primary Force 4 Galadhrim Warrior Elf Bow 11
Lothlórien Primary Force 4 Galadhrim Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Lothlórien Primary Force 1 Galadhrim Guard Banner , Shield , Spear 37
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Théoden, King Of Rohan Heavy armour , Shield , Armoured horse 100
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Théodred, Heir Of Rohan Shield , Horse 95
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Dernhelm 75
Rohan Secondary Force 0 Dernhelm - Éowyn, Shield Maiden Of Rohan
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Dernhelm - Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight Of The Mark 0
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Erkenbrand, Captain Of Rohan Horse 85
Rohan Secondary Force 3 Westfold Redshield 15
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Westfold Redshield Throwing spears 17
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Gamling, Captain Of Rohan Horse , The Royal Standard of Rohan 115
Rohan Secondary Force 1 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
General information
Thibault81's army
[Primary Force] Suladân, le Seigneur Serpent
[Secondary Force] Le Roi-Sorcier d’Angmar
Mordor , Serpent Horde [65 Models, 1200 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 33 Quartered (25% survivors) : 16
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Horde Serpent10/3628%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Mordor0/230%

Serpent Horde Primary Force 1 Suladân The Serpent Lord Armoured horse 115
Serpent Horde Primary Force 6 Haradrim Warrior Spear 7
Serpent Horde Primary Force 9 Haradrim Warrior 6
Serpent Horde Primary Force 1 Serpent Rider 13
Serpent Horde Primary Force 2 Serpent Guard 8
Serpent Horde Primary Force 1 The Betrayer Fell Beast 170
Serpent Horde Primary Force 5 Haradrim Warrior Bow with poisoned arrows 7
Serpent Horde Primary Force 2 Haradrim Warrior Bow with poisoned arrows , Spear 8
Serpent Horde Primary Force 2 Serpent Rider 13
Serpent Horde Primary Force 1 Haradrim Taskmaster 50
Serpent Horde Primary Force 3 Haradrim Warrior Bow with poisoned arrows 7
Serpent Horde Primary Force 3 Haradrim Warrior 6
Serpent Horde Primary Force 3 Serpent Guard 8
Mordor Secondary Force 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar (M:3 W:13 F:3) The Crown of Morgul , Fell Beast 190
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Warg Rider Shield 12
Mordor Secondary Force 2 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor Secondary Force 2 Morannon Orc Spear 8
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Shagrat, Captain Of Cirith Ungol Heavy armour , Shield of Cirith Ungol 115
Mordor Secondary Force 5 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor Secondary Force 3 Morannon Orc Spear 8
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Morannon Orc Banner , Shield , Spear 34
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Morannon Orc Shield , Spear 9
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Warg Rider Shield , Throwing spears 13
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Guritz, Master Of Reserves 60
Mordor Secondary Force 3 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor Secondary Force 3 Morannon Orc Spear 8
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Warg Rider Shield , Throwing spears 13
General information
Xander's army
[Primary Force] Boromir, Capitaine de la Tour Blanche
[Secondary Force] Faramir, Capitaine du Gondor
Minas Tirith [57 Models, 1200 pts - [Primary Force] 600 pts | [Secondary Force] 600 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 29 Quartered (25% survivors) : 14
Number of Banner(s) : 2

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Minas Tirith8/2434%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Minas Tirith5/2421%

Minas Tirith Primary Force 1 Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower The Banner of Minas Tirith , Shield , Horse 215
Minas Tirith Primary Force 6 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith Primary Force 4 Guard Of The Fountaincourt Shield 11
Minas Tirith Primary Force 3 Knight Of Minas Tirith Shield 14
Minas Tirith Primary Force 2 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield , Spear 9
Minas Tirith Primary Force 1 Ingold, Warden Of The Rammas Echor 65
Minas Tirith Primary Force 5 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith Primary Force 0 Gondor Avenger Bolt Thrower 50
Minas Tirith Primary Force 1 Anborn, Ranger Of Ithilien 35
Minas Tirith Primary Force 3 Ranger Of Gondor 8
Minas Tirith Primary Force 1 Knight Of Minas Tirith Shield 14
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 1 Faramir, Captain Of Gondor Heavy armour , Shield , Armoured horse , Lance 110
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 3 Knight Of Minas Tirith Shield 14
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 1 Húrin The Tall, Warden Of The Keys Horse 90
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 3 Knight Of Minas Tirith Shield 14
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 1 Cirion, Lieutenant Of Amonbarad 55
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 3 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 4 Guard Of The Fountaincourt Shield 11
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 1 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield , Spear 9
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 1 Madril, Captain Of Ithilien 55
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 5 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 1 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Banner , Shield , Spear 34
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 0 Gondor Avenger Bolt Thrower 50
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 1 Siege Veteran - Warrior Of Minas Tirith 0
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 2 Siege Crew - Warrior Of Minas Tirith 0
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 1 Siege Veteran - Warrior Of Minas Tirith 0
Minas Tirith Secondary Force 2 Siege Crew - Warrior Of Minas Tirith 0